im maybe in the rong forum but anyway.
iv started this thread of top tips so others can improve thair skills.
so please just shout them out lol
here is mine.
try “shift f” to fly around models.
im maybe in the rong forum but anyway.
iv started this thread of top tips so others can improve thair skills.
so please just shout them out lol
here is mine.
try “shift f” to fly around models.
Thanks for this!
Some time ago there was similar thread that went along the same lines, and I saved that thread on my laptop and refer to it every now and then.
Hopefully this will add onto the same thread.
Here’s my tip!
Double click on the blender shortcut (if you have windows) and you get blender!
I’m tipless today…seeing as though most or many tips will be changing…
Lets see…
Alt+Right Mouse Button lets you select an object that is behind another.
Ctrl+Alt+Num0 Moves your camera to the current view.
everything looks better when you get rid of the default blue background lol
Ambient Occlusion can even make a cube look good
If you want to make glass, make sure you have an object with two sides (i.e. has thickness or faces on both sides) . If you apply a glass material to a single-sided object (like plane) the refraction of the light will look wrong.
what blue background?..oh the sky color…NVM
when sculpting, dont add a new level of multires until you’ve sculpted everything you can at the current multires level
For a nice effect on outdoor scenes, and a little blueish to the AO, and add a slight yellowy-orange tint to the main sun lamp : ).
Ctrl +s or +w will save ower your previous .blend