
Hahaa! My Official Forum Satan Post :wink:
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…sorry, I just had to :wink:

Congratulations, you lucky devil.

That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die…

Congrats Jolly… :smiley:


P.S.: Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn Jolly Gnome… 8) :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry…was that e.e.cummings or H.P.Lovecraft …??? Fairly sure that it is the latter of the two but have not seen that quote in 30 years.

way to go!

congratulations, you deserve to be called a devil, it fits to your avatar! :smiley:

i remember how happy i was when i reached 666! and what a surprise it was too - although i knew about it all along… :wink:

by the way, i wonder how long Jolly’s gonna go without posting to keep his status! :stuck_out_tongue:

anyone here ever read any of Levay’s books? they are very interesting


(yes, ^ this is always at the end of my posts)

I don’t see why everyone’s so excited. When I reach 665 I’m not going to post again until I have two topics to post just so I can avoid having 666 for more than half a minute.

Ah, he passed it :frowning:


He has renounced his satanism! :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: ( :wink: )

that was obvious, i didnt wait for very long after i got to 666 posts to post again.

dwmitch: what i said about waiting before posting was intended as a joke (if thats what you were refering to).

Come on! The :< smilie wants you to be glad about your Satanism! That’s why he’s frowning: Not enough people do it!

skeletor do u know a page were a site with levay’s writings, or this other english poet who wrote about a demon or bout satan

sorry, but wut? i have no idea wut u just said

Yeah, I passed it, but it was for a good cause, I helped a fellow Blenderhead in distress, and postend an aswer to a query in the Q&A section :wink:
And no, I’m not satanist, I’m sort of a pagan :slight_smile: