I vote this for thread of the year
i second that, and also add that Jake is an idiot
Jake? who’s that?
Although, come to think of it, the History Channel does have quite a few science oriented animations. I liked the ones they did for that segment on how antimatter is made.
I like the CG used in NOVA specials. Like the one where they actually simulated a ribosome putting together enzymes (if I remember correctly). I’m to this day trying to figure out if they actually keyframed the whole thing, or maybe used some sort of an elaborate physics engine.
The sim looked that fluid.
^ Ditto Social, except I’m into more of the archaeology myself.
newneo, maybe you should be Jake 2.0 (sci-fi humor their).
talking of archaeology programs who likes time team? great show that
Have you seen the NOVA special “The Elegant Universe”? That thing was pure eye candy! (Not to mention cool science…)
I’v seen something like an hour of it (one out of three from what I understand), I have yet to see the whole of it though.
I can watch it online, but I still have to figure out how to get totem (media player) to play embeded quicktime through firefox. Having some trouble with that.
all we get with CG are bad animated cartoons or national geographic…
the GC at NGC is preeety fair… sometimes good, sometimes just…awefull