Hi all,
The scene is a quick mix (mixed with nodes inside blender) of 3 simple scenes (mostly made of cubes with modifiers). It’s a very weep, don’t know wich direction it’s going to take.
Hi all,
The scene is a quick mix (mixed with nodes inside blender) of 3 simple scenes (mostly made of cubes with modifiers). It’s a very weep, don’t know wich direction it’s going to take.
wow! i love this composition! the extremely subtle use of color - ever-so-close to black and white - looks great. the semi-transparent details around the edge - it is not quite clear what those are - is it part of the viewer’s camera, or is the viewer inside of a glass building? in any event, the strong use of line and tone is just excellent. quite an inspiration.
Thanks for you comment wolfred. I deleted the semi transparent part in front of the camera (as you said, it’s not clear). Here’s a new one:
that one is very cool, too - in different ways. i’m now dying of curiosity about your comment that the scenes are “mostly made of cubes with modifiers” how does one make those nice rounded corners with just modifiers? especially the way the corners are only rounded in two dimensions. that looks pretty cool.
Hey there, this is really nice, tho now I’m seeing a little scale issue. If that spherical big thing is planet then wouldn’t you consider to move all buildings in front of it (because now it seems that that this sphere is somehow held by structure, f you get what i mean) unless it was purposely made. Keep it up!
I made some screenShots. Hope it helps to understand how my modifiers stack works.
(as an example, i took the main “tube” in the center of the picture. It’s the same
for most of the objects : 1 cube (with some cuts) + x modifiers)
And an other one, just playing with the color management:
wow - thanks! instant tutorial! it hadn’t occurred to me to delete faces before applying a bevel - but now it makes perfect sense. beautifully simple technique. thanks for sharing that tip!