Tornado Transparency

I’m not positive that this is in the right category, but I’m having issues with a volumetric tornado I’ve created. It’s too transparent; is there any way I can change the transparency level? Remember, it’s a volumetric material.

A screen shot or even better a file would be useful.

The way that I handle such tasks is to render, say, “the tornado,” and with it nothing else. Once I have it, I can put it into a compositing node-network … setting the transparency to anything that I want it to be.

You can do a lot of neat things by pursuing this idea a little further. Overlap a copy of the tornado with another copy of itself, slightly defocused and shifted in time by a few frames. Do this a couple more times and, presto! A very big-looking, complex-looking tornado that is actually being generated with only one render-output … re-used three or more times.

“What the renderer generates” doesn’t have to be “the finished effect that you see on-screen,” and IMHO it normally shouldn’t be.