Hello such, I am with the idea from time to make a 2d game, aerial view, where I put torrentas, that detect the player, who will be called pongamoles “player” shoot him and take out life as ago that, as a script that aga ago that, ayudaaaaaaaaaaa
Welcome to the Forum, but please remain in one Language – putting a non-english Word here and there can be Fun, but I for Example didn’t understand several essential Words in your Post and many(/most) other People on this Forum will have the same Problem. Actually, I didn’t even get what you were asking for.
I’m guessing its a top down shooter and he wants turrets. but i don’t understand any more:S
Let’s say I got what u mean to say but actually what do you want from us? how could we help you?
Think twice before you post something.
sorrry , my no talk english, my talk spanish
Lingua Hispanica nescio, in forum BlenderArtists homines linguam Britannicam loquuntur. Pro auxilium melius vene ad forum hispanicum.
(Heck, my Skills have drained.^^)
Please use Google Translate or something to translate your post to english.
y yo hablo español, un poco
I use google translator, but you do not understand me
yo quiero hacer una torrenta , como las de star wars , que al detectar al player , le dispare
Not entirely: You used the Translator but it did not translate everything and you just left the untranslated Words untranslated.
If my understanding is right…
- You can use “Near” sensor when the player comes close to your turrets.
- You can use “Track to” actuator to rotate the turret facing the player.
- Add another “Near” sensor which detects range to start firing.
- Use “AddObject” actuator to shoot bullets.
I think if I write in my Spanish, and then translated into their language, so you can understand
Near Sensor (property: player) – AND – Edit Object>TrackTo Actuator
(//so the Turret will turn to the Player when he is near)
Connect the Near Sensor and an Always Sensor (··· 50) to – AND – EditObject>AddObject
(//this creates the Bullets all fifty Ticks while the Player is near)
someone can get this script
Hope this helps. You can improve on it, but it should get you started.
turretController.blend (358 KB)
Hi, I wanted to ask, if you download this file blend, you uploaded, it’s free, no charge, no virus?
Jonny, stop asking these questions. Everything on this forum can be treated as “Free”, unless licence is specified. Viruses are a worry with everything, but generally the people on this forum are a BLENDER community, not WAREZ. Please let the question rest.