
ok, so i bought this lame computer game for my husband, and yeah, he lost the disk when we moved.
so anyways, he was looking up torrents or something, and i, myself am clueless, because besides blender i can’t use a computer at all, which is why i’m asking what could be my pain-stakingly obvious question here.
anyways, we found a torrent for the game, now what do we do?
any help would be greatly appreciated.

You are aware that downloading game torrents is Iligal, even if you have already bought the game? tho Bittorrent itself is legal.

um, actually no, we didn’t.
yikes, thanks though.
guess ill just have to buy him another one.
thanks hessiess.

yikes, actually no we didn’t.
thanks so much hessiess.
guess i’ll just have to buy him a new one :wink:

yikes, actually, no we didn’t.
thanks so much :slight_smile:
i guess i’ll just have to buy him a new one.

Yeah, game/movie/software torrents are illegal, so you probably shouldn’t post about them, and it’d be better not to partake in them either :slight_smile:

However, torrents can be used for many very useful things as well(BBB was distributed via torrent for instance).

Yea, sometimes I also share stuff that I made by bittorrent.
If you also want to do legal transactions by bittorrent you can use this software:

Install it and them when you press a bittorent download it will ask you to open it and then just wait.

Here are some torrent resources:

You are responsible for your own actions.


I just entered a bank and asked to make a withdrawal but like wasn’t even a member and then I like pulled out my gat and was like anyone move and there’s gonna be trouble and I took my bad and loaded it with cash and drove away.

Now I have the huge bad of money and I hear the banks keep track of their bills, so im wondering if any of you have any idea where i spend these at cause right now im clueless.

Oh and If any of you have a chop shop where I can get rid of the getaway vehicle that would be nice as well.


Eidie Yott


Now what in the heck did you do that for… >_>

Better still why did I quote it @_@

I have my reasons.

You don’t need to know them. Just observe.

Torrents are NOT illegal.
If you have the rights to share the game/movie/software, it is not illegal. So the problem is not the torrent, but its content.

I remember once in university I was downloading a torrent from Fedora 8 (a Linux distribution for those who don’t know) and someone start with
“oh, you’re downloading illegal stuff in the university network, that’s wrong”.

Why does this happen: Well, because people see on TV and newspapers, magazines, that “things that come from torrents and file-sharing systems are pirated”.

ok, thanks for the warning guys!
i guess he’ll just have to go without :frowning: poor thing.
really appreciated;i’ll stay away.

@falk: I was making a general statement(and about game/movies/software, as you’ll notice further on in my post, I specify that all torrents are not illegal). Yes, if you have the rights, you can do what you please. The majority of torrents these days, however, are illegal.

fair enough.
i see there are both benefits and negatives, like most things, to using torrents.
so yeah, let’s just consider this one case closed :wink:
no torrents for us!

I understood that you know right.
But who asked does not know much. In this case, generalizing is not a good thing.

My apologies for spreading false information.