Total Chaos 2018 event: Vray Next, Corona 2, AI Denoise, Cloud Rendering

Total Chaos 2018, first global Chaos Group conference keynote speech.

It appears to be an event that may have been mostly focused on the upcoming release of Vray Next, but it has insightful keynotes.

Couple of highlights worth sharing:

  • Martin Enthed from IKEA talks about the future of rendering and the importance of having whan modeled asset that works seamlessly in various engines - VR, render, AR


  • Vlado, co-founder of Chaos Group talks about Vray Next
  • Steven Parker from Nvidia talks about real-time raytracing and AI Denoiser
  • Adam Hotovy from Corona/Render Legion talks about Corona 2
    – one particularly exciting feature is being able to open vray scenes in corona without needing a vray license
  • Benjamin Faes from Google talks about google cloud, with the intention of removing infrastructure from rendering, gives an example of rendering the Jungle Book on the cloud.
  • Boris Simandoff from Chaos group talks about Chaos Cloud, with the intention to have a 1-click cloud render service, with remote view, and compatible with render engines beyond Vray and Corona
    –He shows a demo from sketchup with a 1 click button to Chaos cloud rendering with 7000 cores.

Some thoughts:

  • Not sure if the licencing on NVIDIA allows the denoise tech to be implemented in Cycles, but if it can, why not leverage existing tech as opposed to try to develop it from scratch?
  • I can definitely foresee Blender Cloud becoming something like Chaos Cloud, and the business model could provide significantly additional funding for development
  • I must the only Bulgarian who doesn’t want to even go close to Vray but I do use it for basic things in Rhino due to compatibility with the rest of the team in the place I work. Nevertheless, all this tech is quite exciting because when it goes to one, it slowly spreads through the whole industry.

Thanks for sharing this info, @dimitarsp.

That’d be great, but is the denoising tech specifically targeted at NVidia GPUs? In that case, AMD GPU users would be disadvantaged, just like current AMD GPU users have to cope with Apple’s poor OpenCL support in MacOS when using Cycles.

I totally second this. It would be a great way of supporting the Blender developers and getting a very useful service back for that.

V-Ray is a great renderer. I’ve used it in 3ds Max since it was first published until I switched to Blender around 2012. Nowadays I’m alternating between Cycles, Radeon Prorender and Keyshot.

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