Any ideas on how to restore it to normal without copy pasting the objects in a new blend?
Has to have been some shortcut or button I pressed - nothing else that could explain it really.
The view is “stuck” like this even when adding new geometry, so it’s not linked to the object type.
Bha. Wtf.
That’s not the only thing that got messed up.
The model scale is also somewhere between x100 and x200 of what is was before.
Basically trashed 2 days of work.
Hi Andy, I have never seen this happen before. What I would do first is check you temporary folder with a file browser and make copies of any backup files you find there, blender should make backups in the temp folder every now and then unless you specifically told it not to. Keep the copies safe, maybe make 2 copies in different folders one for backup/safety and with the other try opening the files. You could try with a different blender version.
Good luck.
I’ve had that before and never figured out what caused it. I ended up reloading blender, or if that fails, jsut starting a new scene and appending everything from the old one.
Unfortunately unpinningn it doesn’t do anything - nor did I ever acrually pin it myself.
Thanks for trying to help.
Ended up moving the meshes to a new file via copy paste and manually calculating a scale factor to get a single known length from whatever it pasted in as to the proper measure.
I did loose some precision in the process, unfortunately. But it is what it is.
Better than tossing out 2 days work.