Totraum: Revive (6/25/11)

Thank you! Of course their will be. First thing I’m going to do with the explosions is create a variation for every element for the bazooka. Thanks a lot!

Now each element has an explosion! There’s also a no element explosion for when the missile doesn’t hit anything or hits a game prop.

The water explosion could use more upward white spray, and the earth explosion is a bit flat (could use more varying color and falling bits of dirt), but your idea is really good. Great work.

Thanks! Yeah, all of the explosions are just a recolored fire texture. Changes I will make will include the water explosion shooting out splashing water instead of embers, dirt cracking the ground and dirt particles coming up, and air with some sort of lightning effect.

Very nice. Sounds like you’ve got it planned out. Keep going!

Made a cafeteria to continue my experimental level design. I want level design to be easy and look good and so far I think it’s doing both!

I’ve been trying to get level design down so I don’t dive into it fully without an idea. Here’s what I got so far. Basically, the red carpet area is for VIP’s on board along with the Commander. He gives you orders and briefs you about the situation on Catena 7, the ship where the game takes place. Then you leave, cut through the cafeteria or around the hall, explore the areas, and then leave on a tram system kind of like the one in Half-Life. That brings you to the lower levels where you pass through a storage bay into the massive holding area for weapons, ships, and ammunition. You take a clast carrier ship to the cruise liner for recon after AM11 (Alpha Macula) lost communication when they got to Catena 7.


I’ve been trying to get level design down so I don’t dive into it fully without an idea. Here’s what I got so far. Basically, the red carpet area is for VIP’s on board along with the Commander. He gives you orders and briefs you about the situation on Catena 7, the ship where the game takes place. Then you leave, cut through the cafeteria or around the hall, explore the areas, and then leave on a tram system kind of like the one in Half-Life. That brings you to the lower levels where you pass through a storage bay into the massive holding area for weapons, ships, and ammunition. You take a clast carrier ship to the cruise liner for recon after AM11 (Alpha Macula) lost communication when they got to Catena 7.

I’ve been trying to get level design down so I don’t dive into it fully without an idea. Here’s what I got so far. Basically, the red carpet area is for VIP’s on board along with the Commander. He gives you orders and briefs you about the situation on Catena 7, the ship where the game takes place. Then you leave, cut through the cafeteria or around the hall, explore the areas, and then leave on a tram system kind of like the one in Half-Life. That brings you to the lower levels where you pass through a storage bay into the massive holding area for weapons, ships, and ammunition. You take a clast carrier ship to the cruise liner for recon after AM11 (Alpha Macula) lost communication when they got to Catena 7.

Ha - I like the ‘single pixel’ graphics. It’s not extremely detailed, but it works. Interesting idea, too, for the whole game to take place on a ship. I like it, but just make sure not to make the areas too similar - add some greenery, for example (like a greenhouse or arborium to set portions of the game apart). You can then contrast that with, say, a dark area with lots of grimy, grinding gears, levers, and machinery. Contrast helps to make games interesting.

Really good. I’ve never got in to the whole single pixel graphics (well, not since I used to mod CIV II) but I think it looks great.
Surprisingly well suited to Blender.^^

Nearing completion, I still have to add a large sleeping quarter for the grunts on board. After that, I have to add the station bay which is packed with storage, soldiers, and ships. Also need to add high-class rooms on the red carpet and the commanders tremendously huge library/house/office facility. The hallway will also lead to the bridge which you can enter… probably will make some items in there interact-able.

make some more contrast for the objects. It is kinda hard to tell where the object ends and ground starts.

WOW this game is so simple and its so great lol!!1 love it!

I concur with this, especially in the greys.

Thank you!

Okay! That is handled in the game engine though. I add higher quality shadow textures under the pixel objects.

Almost done with floor one of the battleship. Made the barracks and the higher ranked barracks and housing. The room with the beds and books is the sleeping area for the Commander and his “most trusted shipmates.” The commander is not completely right in the head as he is very paranoid. The game starts by another shipmate ratting you out on the burglary attempt on the Commander’s safe. You are sent to his office and conduct a “trust” exercise by going down to Catena 6 for recon. He doesn’t tell you that the ship is infested with mutants/aliens. The safe is not known to corporate as it houses all the plunder they’ve collected from all the ships they’ve “saved.”

I did an AI stress-test on the basic enemies in the game. I achieved about 110 before it dropped to 45 fps. This is about 100 running at a perfect 60 fps. I think it looks cool.

Here is the level so far. Added some extra zones to add to the story. The gated floor area above the shower room is where you first encounter an enemy. The crewman who maintains the generator has been gruesomely killed. You pick up his pistol and fire at one of the monsters who comes though a hole in the wall. Then you have to pick up fuel rods with your gravity power and put them into the power core.

I’m developing a clone of Running With Rifles so I can make a better version of it. The problem is the AI I developed, which works really well, is to complicated and a drain of logic as it has rays and nears. I can only have about 6 AI at once and I need around 20. If I can figure out a way to make it less complicated and run a -2% logic profile each, I will full develop this game. It won’t take more than a week to do too. Hopefully you can see what’s going on in the video.

I would find it very interesting to view a screenshot of your various Logic settings from the game, for I am attempting to comfortably and creatively use the Logic Editor.