toxicX version 0.8 released, UV export...

we are working on this. A linux built is almost finished, toxicX doesn’t work on linux yet though.

Sutabi: the GI does have noise, but it has a much better rendering pipeline, so it tolerates noise better, so it can have enough samples to get rid of the noise. You must use area lamps to see the shadow noise.

okay everyone:

toxicX is now at version 0.6

please test it on your next modelling project, even if you don’t use it on the final version. It handles complex geometry well, and the renders are beautiful!

It can render the default scene with no changed settings!

Be carefull with the “RenderBox”, there is a mistake because this option have to be made in the “.bat” file not in the “export.settings.xml”, so delete lines 332 and 333, and append following lines code after line 361 :

		if gRenderBox.val:
			sa += " --render-area %s,%s,%s,%s" % (gX0,gY0,gX1,gY1)

So now we should have this :

# make the .bat file
	if gExportBat.val:
		batfile = file("%s/run.bat" % scenedir, 'w')
		usep4 = ""
		if gExportP4.val:
			usep4 = "-p4"
		if gShowRender.val:
			stx = "EXPLORER %s\\render.png" % scenedir
			stx = ""
		sa = ""
		if gSaveGPM.val:
			sa += " --save-gpm blendergpm"
		if gLoadGPM.val:
			sa += " --load-gpm blendergpm"
		if gSaveCPM.val:
			sa += " --save-cpm blendercpm"
		if gLoadCPM.val:
			sa += " --load-cpm blendercpm"
		if gRenderBox.val:
			sa += " --render-area %s,%s,%s,%s" % (gX0,gY0,gX1,gY1)
		stb = """cd "%s"
		%s\	oxic%s.exe export.xml -o render.png -w %s -h %s %s
		EXIT""" % (scenedir,toxicdir,usep4,width, height, sa, stx)
# etc ...

then “RenderBox” will work .


I don’t know if you saw this, but I had posted a reply to your matrix problems on

Although I can’t really tell from your example renders and haven’t seen anyone comment on this, but I had problems with the aspect ratio and fov when width<height, so I also gave some hints to solve that, might be useful, or not.

well, thanks you two.

it is nice to know that someone knows what they are doing around here.

I got those two incorporated.

All I have to do is finish up some things with the image textures and I will get to work on some demo scenes.

well, after a little winter break hacking, we have version 0.8.

this version adds real UV textures and many bugfixes. I also opensource’d it, because I had to use some gpl code from the blender obj export script.

go to the website and get it
(so what, I am bad at uv mapping…)

Using similar settings, is Toxic faster than Yafray?

i haven’t run a direct comparison, but from what I can see they are about equal in speed.

I appreciate your work on this script, but would only be able to test it when the linux ver comes out.

Waiting patiently :smiley: