Toy Link - WIP

Hi, everyone! I’m new around here and currently getting back into Blender with the new 2.8 release (:heart_eyes:)!!

For my first project, I’m trying to bring this quick sketch to life and here is my progress so far! I still have the sword and shield left, and some extra touches.

Please let me know what you think and what I can do to improve! Thanks!! :slight_smile:

Original Sketch:



nice work !!!
the boots looks to big for the sketch , but its cool !

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Thank you! You’re right, I’ll make sure to fix that. :smile:

I really like your progress so far! Your material seems a little washed out- if it was plastic, it would have much stronger shadows and highlights. I can barely see any specularity, even on the flat smooth part of the cap.

Here are some real product pictures of “toy links”- notice how much shinier the plastic is:

One more, this time from my personal collection (I’m not much of a collector, but this was a gift from a roommate):

Yes, it’s a stylized photo, but it shows the effect of light on small plastic objects quite well.

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Thank you for the heads up! And thank you again for the refs (cool photo!), I’ll see what I can do. :smile:

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