ok, I would get the file I uploaded, and take a look at it
a trackTo is a actuator, and is not the steering actuator,
calling cont.actuators[‘TheNameOfAActuator’] will work if it is linked to the python controller running you script
sensor-------python control--------your actuator
the file is there for you do dissect / ask questions about
I commented out the code, but not the very basic stuff
take a look at ‘GameLogic simple’ in templates in the text editor
own[‘Property’] = a property (just like in the logic editor properties)
Manipulating the property
unit[‘Target’] will set your target, however some care is to be taken, as the object may be deleted (the actor dies?)
if you are calling steering and telling it to track a object that does not exist anymore, then you will
throw a error and if you throw enough, it simply shuts your script off,
I deal with most of these cases in the script I posted in the blend I uploaded,
I split it into 3 scripts
pick actor list
pick target for all objects on list
and move actor NavTarget to enemy unit,
if the enemy unit dies, the NavTarget does not.