Tracking points into a mesh


This is my first post and i think its a hard question

I imported the tracking data from a free hand track in voodoo. The whole tracking bits fine, i was just wondering if there was a way of making those little lines that the camera seems to track into a solid mesh.

If you need me to i can upload my blend

Thanks in advance

Designer 1992

Well I pondered on your question - I don’t know if there is an easy method but I can tell you you can go into Edit mode and click individual vertices and create faces from them although creating a complete mesh from so many vertices would take quite some time and dedication and the results would look rather strange.


I think I heard you can use shrinkwrap to make a pre-made mesh line up with the tracking dots.

libmv will eventually do it for blender. or you could register for the videotrace beta

her’s a youtube video of it in action