tracking works backwords

I’m following the online manual, where there is a tutorial to make the man, who ends up as a ginger bread man.

The part I’m stuck on is setting tracking right. I right click the camera, then shift+right click the man, then press alt+t. It gives me 2 options but neither seem to work correctly. Even if I select the camera and do alt+r it doesn’t fix it.

After tracking is on, i can rotate the camera but it seems to always be facing the opposite direction of what it is tracking. Even though it says it tracks the man, he never shows up in the camera untill i reload my old save file.

Thanks for the help.

When choosing the first option (Constraint), be sure to set the Track and Up axis correctly.


That makes it face back towards the person, but, if i move around it doesn’t track (rotate, and point to the person)

The version i’m using (the latest win32 binary, i think it is 2.3) on the screen shot you posted my options are trackX, Y, Z, -, -, - (the dashes seem like they are placeholders… it’s not like the letter is cut off)

the bottom right is also x,y,z,-,-,-

  1. how can you cancel, or turn off track? If I do the same clicking, i get clear track, or “… and keep transform” but I can’t tell if either is doing anything.


hmm. I’m not sure what the problem is. Could you upload the blend file somewhere?

The version i’m using (the latest win32 binary, i think it is 2.3) on the screen shot you posted my options are trackX, Y, Z, -, -, -

If you see TrackX, than it’s not the official 2.3 release. I fixed that approx 5 days before the release.

Try the official release from, though I doubt that’s the problem.

(the dashes seem like they are placeholders… it’s not like the letter is cut off)

If you only see the dashes, it means the letter are cut off. Try pressing Home to auto center the button window.

  1. how can you cancel, or turn off track? If I do the same clicking, i get clear track, or “… and keep transform” but I can’t tell if either is doing anything.

Clear Track only clear the old track system. When using constraint, you have to delete the constraints individually with the next to the constraint name in the constraint panel.


Even if I select the two objects individually and hit the x, I still dont get the first dialog…

BUT, I think I found out the problem, under the constraint, it says ob: but no object name after it. I would set it to the person, but how do I find out that objects name?

If I do constraints->add-> then what do I choose? I’m guessing track to.


The object name can be found in the Editing window (F9). The button is on the left and should look like this: “ob: Name”.


Now tracking works, but one problem, It centers on his feet. I see a little purple circle there, is that the objects center? How can I change where it is?


You can use the Center New and Center Cursor function from the Editing window (F9)


Thank you!!! :smiley: