Trailer for the science fiction film “La Thèse”
The film is currently being calibrated and subtitled. It should be released in a few weeks.
I love the detail Mr. Feynman poster in the background! Great work and thanks a lot for sharing!
Thanks Simsek. Touch that you identified Richard Feynman in the background
Great work, congrats.
If you are a blender user, can u PLEASE help me with lip sync. I’ve been struggling with it for awhile now, and you did great work
Thank you for your feedback.
My technique for LipSync is very simple, but not perfect.
First, I define a group of facial bones that will be assigned to LipSync. This choice depends of course on the rig used. For this movie it is Rigify.
Then I create two pose libraries. One for vowels and one for consonants. I usually create one or more visemes for a given phoneme.
Then you just have to place the audio tape and call for each phoneme the corresponding pose. These poses are organized in a specific Lipsync Action. This does not prevent from superimposing other actions for expressions (smile, sadness, anger, etc…) inside the LNA.
You should not expect an exact simulation because humans “speak” faster than 25 fps. Increasing this frequency increases the rendering time. For this type of work it does not seem essential. Once this work is done, some adjustments are sometimes useful
I have tried mocaps but in the end it takes even more time to set up than manually.
This brief description is not meant to be a tutorial, it is simply the technique I use in general.
Feel free to ask for more details if needed.
Thank you for your appreciation