Train Station Anim - Update at page2

Cool ! Been hoping you’d animate this ! Didn’t really realise how detailed it was till I saw it animated.
Can’t see anything wrong with the camera animation though…
Shame about the motion blur, but can’t have everything :slight_smile:

I would like to see the movie, but every time I click on the link I’m taken to :-? . If I try to save the target, I get “yahoo.htm” as the file, which is obviously not what I want. Any thoughts?

Nice work, but my only real crit comes from the final scene, where the camera enters the train, 'cause the movement comes up so suddenly and it feels like it doesn’t fit in the scene.

But good work in every other aspect.


had some more time…so here’s an update…don’t know if it’s better. The camera shake is.well not very good lol because I made it for 25fps…but I reduced the fps after because the whole anim was way too fast so now the shake is too slow but well…

tell me if it’s better…

uh-oh. your account has been suspended. :o i suspect too much bandwidth usage. %| its the elYsiun effect! almost on par with the slashdot effect. :smiley: :wink:


but no it’s not my personnal account that have been suspended…but the whole website where my account is (…NoOoOoOoOoOooOoOooOoo

hmm I doN,t know why it has been suspended…the guy said he had unlimited bandwith…bah I’ll try to contact him…sorry

any mirrors? :wink:

I would like to see the anim.


Dammit… I knew I should’ve downloaded that latest one and saved it rather than view it immediately.

ok here it is: (on reblended)

Tx to basse for a faster download!! :smiley:

hope you like :smiley:

I really love what you’ve done with the camera next to the train. I thought that was really cool. I like the colors and the movement and everything, especially the ending. But you knew that already. :slight_smile:

I don’t know why, but I prefered the first version…probably the second version is too fast…you say you reduced the frame rate but it still seems to play at 25 fps on my computer… :-?

The first one is/seems more fluid, but I actually prefer the second one.

Great work X-Warrior.


I just gotta say WOW. By the way i really like your work.