Well it’s been a long time since I first started this project back in October but I’m pleased to say that my training DVD on modeling the female head is now finished and ready to ship!
The DVD covers every aspect of modeling the female head. Mainly focusing on the creation of edgeloops and a workable, clean mesh with accurate anatomy. I also spend a bit of time with the use of references.
Selling price for the DVD is an even $30.00 US.
Included on the DVD:
-2:30 hours of training footage
-Explanation of each and every process/
technique used (edgeloops, references, etc)
-Each model file used divided by sections of
the head (eyes, nose, ears, etc)
-All reference images used
-Installations of Blender for every major O.S.
-VLC media player for every major O.S.
Looks very interesting and well made.
I would buy it, if I would own dvd and pay-pal account and If I wouldn’t have nothing against ordering things from other countries :rolleyes:
I tried to look at your teaser and I don’t know if it is just me, but I got a screen full of wierd symbols and stars and jumbled text then firefox froze and then my computer… Maybe windows was having a bad day, but just thought I would let you know… If it is just my bad luck, then by all means ignore this message
It has happened twice now, so maube you should see if these is a browser incompatibility
with that page. This is what I get before things freeze on me. Thought I would let you know!
The quality on the intro isn’t as high as I would have liked it, I’m going to go back and reencode it, but the actual tutorials are MUCH higher quality
The proceeds are not currently going to the BF but it I sell enough DVDs then I’ll be making a hefty donation : )
Is there anyway I can send you $ or something? Paypal has totally sleezewared me, first they wanted my checking account info, now they want my bank card PIN (!!) and some other personal info I’m nowhere near comfortable giving… They also made it impossible to remove my info from their service and simply don’t respond to any emails.
Last November someone threw a bomb into a window at their headquarters! I’d rather deal some other way if that’s possible.
Wow that’s trick. Damn thing was so official, site looked EXACTLY like Paypal’s. Anyways, all is resolved now and after they review my account I’ll be hitting that button J !
Thanks Roy. My faith in paypal is slightly better now.
ive learnt how to use correct/ good edge loops, ive learnt how to make topologies that improve my meshes, ive also learnt how to start modeling a face and how to tie everything in together.
there just a few of the things ive learnt
the edge looping and topolgy helped me before when i started doodling a little character in blender, i started on the eyes and just flowed with the topogoly i got off the dvd, i made a face in a few minute and IT DIDNT look crap :D.
would be really good if you made a full bodied modeling dvd or a sculpting dvd or a few creature modeling DVD’s.
A full body DVD is on the to-do list, but it’ll be a little bit before I get to that one. I think the next two DVDs I’m going to do are making-of DVDs. Going through the entire process of creating a character model, starting with the concept.
I’m planning on doing one with a friendly-likeable charcter, and then the other as a more generic cg beast