Training DVD: Modeling the Female head-Preorder now!
Hello everyone,

I’m pleased to announce that my first training DVD is nearing it’s completion and will start shipping in only a matter of a week or so. I’ve been working on this for some time now and have put a lot of work into it to make it the best I can. Although the DVD is not quite done, I’m starting preorders as of now for all of those interested. The DVD can be pre-purchased from my site using paypal at:

This first installment of many future DVDs covers the modeling process of the female head in its entirety. The main focus is on edgeloops and the creation of a clean, workable mesh. However, there’s also a good emphasis on creating accurate anatomy and muscle structure. The DVD will be going for an even $30.00 USD.

On the DVD you will find:
-Approximately 2-3 hours of training footage
-Explanations for each process and techniques used
-Reasoning behind processes (edgeloops, references, various tools, etc).
-Each and every .blend file used, divided by section (eyes, mouth, ear, etc).
-Every reference image used
-Installations of Blender for every major OS

With all that said head on over to to check it out :slight_smile:

coolio, im going to buy this next month :slight_smile:

your making me want to make my own DVD about car modeling…

any chance of a 30 second snapshot from the DVD?

there arent many training DVD’s like this for blender, so come on everyone :smiley:

I’ll be putting together and updated preview here shortly :slight_smile:

Your works with the human anatomy are the best I’ve seen in blender. I’m seriously considering this purchase.

on ur gallery, the un-materialized heads, what is your world and lighting setup? I’m preparing a wiki example, and want that setup…plz? don’t want the model, just need to know the world and light rig for a UV exmaple. Thanks. a .blend would be fantastic. I have been playing for HOURS now, trying to get exactly that look using Blender Internal renderer. Thanks.

Thanks man, I appreciate it :slight_smile:

Sure, I’ve sent you a PM with a link to the blend file.

Hey everyone,

Just to let you know, the DVDs came in today so I’ll begin shipping them out any day now!

were can i buy it, there are no links

I agree, I see nowhere on that page that has a buy button…

Also, does the $30 include shipping or does that cost extra?


Ah, it appears that a file has gotten replaced on my server, removing the buy buttons. My apologies guys I’ll get that fixed pronto.

The $30 is without shipping costs. It’s $4.00 for U.S. orders and $10 for international.

not bad pricing, do you know when the link will be on since i want to purchase it :smiley:

I hope to have it on tonight, though if you’d like to go ahead and order it now you can just send the $30 + which ever shipping applies to you through paypal to me at:
It’s the same thing, the site is just a little more automated. If you go ahead and do it now just include all the necessary info in the paypal email for me to ship it out to you.

ill just use the site if thats alrigt. so ill need paypal for the site to or can i use card details?

but dont worry ill get it cos i want to improve/ study organic modeling.

If youre thinking of doing some more, lets say mix of organic and mechinical modeling and what some help, let me know :slight_smile:

would be good press for my blender-verse school of arts :RocknRoll:

You should be able to use your credit card through paypal.