I’m pleased to announce that my first training DVD is nearing it’s completion and will start shipping in only a matter of a week or so. I’ve been working on this for some time now and have put a lot of work into it to make it the best I can. Although the DVD is not quite done, I’m starting preorders as of now for all of those interested. The DVD can be pre-purchased from my site using paypal at: http://montagestudio.org/Site/DVDs.html
This first installment of many future DVDs covers the modeling process of the female head in its entirety. The main focus is on edgeloops and the creation of a clean, workable mesh. However, there’s also a good emphasis on creating accurate anatomy and muscle structure. The DVD will be going for an even $30.00 USD.
On the DVD you will find:
-Approximately 2-3 hours of training footage
-Explanations for each process and techniques used
-Reasoning behind processes (edgeloops, references, various tools, etc).
-Each and every .blend file used, divided by section (eyes, mouth, ear, etc).
-Every reference image used
-Installations of Blender for every major OS
on ur gallery, the un-materialized heads, what is your world and lighting setup? I’m preparing a wiki example, and want that setup…plz? don’t want the model, just need to know the world and light rig for a UV exmaple. Thanks. a .blend would be fantastic. I have been playing for HOURS now, trying to get exactly that look using Blender Internal renderer. Thanks.
I hope to have it on tonight, though if you’d like to go ahead and order it now you can just send the $30 + which ever shipping applies to you through paypal to me at:
It’s the same thing, the site is just a little more automated. If you go ahead and do it now just include all the necessary info in the paypal email for me to ship it out to you.