Traitor's Tank-bike. Now in 3d and handcrafted wood.

Hi all, Traitor, aka GX Monkey & GFXidiot, came up with a cool concept. I had a go at modeling it from the original concept sketch. You can check the original thread here:-

Click here to view Blender version.

Click here to view handcrafted wooden version.

Hope you like, C & C welcome as always, (You can see from the front view, that there’s one floating bolt head on the right hand side of the bike, I only noticed this after rendering. :expressionless: )


Way to take a concept from drawing to model. Excellent job.

Only crits I have is the lack of shadows. Maybe use a fake GI dome for the lighting? Also, most of the materials are too specular IMO. This should have more of a flat, rusted feel to it. Especially the tracks.

Other than that, very well done indeed.


P.S.: Where the hell did your Civic model go BTW? Did you ever finish it?

Cheers BgDm, GX Monkey wanted to texture it after I modeled it, so these are just temporary materials. I know he’ll do a better job than I did.

I haven’t been near the civic for a while, but thanks for reminding me, I’ve got the Evolution to finish too. :expressionless:


:o I love it… both the concept and the result :slight_smile:

Nice work.

Not that it matters, but I thought the idea of a tank was to protect it’s operator. What kind of speed would a TankBike move at ???

In the end, it is still a nice piece of work, both of you.

Well…one of the great things about blender is that you can make something that would never actually exist…but don’t put it past the DOD to make pointless inventions. In fact every government does its share of work on things it doesn’t intend to actually use. Automotive companies to it too…as practice really…and to create features for production cars. For example, Dodge made a concept motorcycle last year that was a dodge viper engine with a seat and four wheels. It was amazing but they never ever would put something like that into production.

A realy original concept and very nice modelling there.

I surf the internet regularly for CG art and pics ( I just love it) and I have to say, some of the most original work done is done here with blender.

I have to say, seeing stuff like that almost makes me want to be a better modeller :slight_smile:

keep on blendering


want to ride this one! Just something flat. Stairs must be problem for a male.

very cool! i was debating modeling it, but nevermore, very very cool!

why are there bolts in a glas swindsheild? ADD A FRAME!

Other than that, wicked! :stuck_out_tongue:

hey there buddaroo ( :o )

this kicks ass, you did an awesome job. ill probably UV this bastard, so ill see what i can come up with.

top notch!!!

GX Monkey, i was wondering if i could see your textures and maybe you could give me some tips. I can’t seem to texture my mech yet.(Not much of a mech yet anyways) But if you could help that would be great. And thats one of the best models i’ve seen, hands down. Would Like to see more.

er… i am GX Monkey, i did the concept art, sonix did the modelling. the textures you see are his, i will be re vamping the textures later on.

Thanks for the cool replies guys, I’m stoked.

Nayman, you’re quite right, no frame for the plexiglass. Maybe GX Monkey will sort that out before he textures the beast properly.

This is the main body texture. —><— Feel free to save it and use it.

It’s mapped using the cube mapping system with Col, Nor and Cspec buttons pressed. But for a bit of variation in the body panels, I shifted the Pivot point for each body panel as the texture uses this point during mapping.
The plexiglass texture is made up of two scratch jpgs, both for bump maps only. A Blend texture (circle) and a light blue procedural, hit ZBuffer and adjusted Alpha to 0.4.

Glad you like it, more will come soon,


PS GX Monkey, I’ve emailed you the .Blend file, good luck with the texturing mate. :smiley:

hmmm, this is going to be a heck of a lot harder than i thought, i may have to simplify the model a bit, maybe take out the parts that you cant see to lower the poly count a bit, will make mapping easier.

dont expect an update with my textures anytime soon!

wow, cool tex!

Cool, but it makes no sence whatsoever. Armoring an open bike takes away the entire point :o

I give up at blender.

I like it a lot!!

Nice texturing, though could be a tad better with matierials, maybe it’s the lighting not sure.

The lack of bevels, then straight smoothing, without the use of autosmooth seems a little ‘old-school’ 3d. Something that might be able to be fixed.

The texture rocks, and I’ll be using it in my next project (if I get more time than tonight to work on it!!!).

Other than that, nice concept->model work.

Dude please don’t, you’re one of the main reasons I keep going with Blender. Each time I think I’ve made something reasonably good, you blow me away with the quality of your next piece. And you’ve done this over the last year, for which I am truly grateful. :smiley:

I’ve never managed to get any results from Auto smoothing, I was trying to make the whole model look as thought it had been knocked together a bit roughly. Most of the edges are beveled, but this might not show through properly.

Thanks again for the kind words,
