Would it be possible to transfer an animated skeleton from one model to another? If so, how?
Edit: the models have some differences, they’re human like models but have different proportions.
Bare with me I’m just starting with animation.
There are several approaches to this,
İf character B has a skeleton, you can add action from skeleton of character A
İf has no skeleton you can duplicate skeleton of A to B, then transfer wieght paints A to B, İf they have differences you may need to edit paints. Then add action.
You can find actions at dopesheet / action editor
You may want to make more explanation about your situation.
Hope it helps
they both have a skeleton, but as I said the models are “different”. Will the action thingy work?
How would I do that?
Actions work with bone names. If your other armature is made the same way (same bones, same names), then linking the armature to the existing action should “just work”.
you can search for this
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