I’ve seen some videos of people transferring weights from a body mesh to a clothing mesh for a character, but I joined the clothing to my character’s body mesh so that I could have one texture map for the whole character to make it easier to export to Unity. Is there a way to transfer the vertex weights from my character’s body to its clothing inside edit mode or would I have to do something like separate them, transfer the weights, and then rejoin them? If I separated and rejoined them would that destroy the UV unwrap that I made with them all joined?
thanks for reading
If you have some vertex groups on your object…
(or if you can create some… I find you need more than one)
Then select a vertex in edit mode…
assign that vertex to more than one vertex group…
you will get a ‘vertex weights tool box’ in the left had tool bar in the 3D view…
in that box there is a ‘copy’ button…
if you select a bunch of vertices the last one selected will be the ‘copy from’ vertex
the rest the copy too vertices…
you would have to join your cloth to the body mesh … copy the weights… (almost one at a time… )
from the body mesh over to the cloth mesh… then select the cloth mess and ‘P’ to separate it from the body mesh…
That might not be much help because it would be a heck of alot of work…
but that is one way you could do it…
I would very much like to know if there is a better, faster, quicker, more sane way to do this…
If you separate then re-join it won’t effect your UV mapping. In my experience the problem with UVs getting borked when you join meshes comes from UV map name differences. The uv maps need to be namde the same in mesh properties. But since the two were seperated from the same original, the names will be the same. To me that’s the quickest option for lots of verts.
Thanks SkpFX I tried this a couple of times and seems to work as you have stated…
but still haven’t used it for anything complex yet…