Transfer Weights > Nearest Face Interpolated doing strange things in 2.76

I’ve found with 2.76 (both the initial release and the latest 2.76b) that the Weight Transfer seems to be having unexpectedly. There have been a few changes to the interface options so it’s entirely possible that I’m doing something wrong and hoped someone might point me in the right direction.

I have a rigged and weighted human model in the scene. I then model a clothing item and want to transfer the vertex weights from my base human figure to the clothing item.

Using 2.75 I would select my human figure, then shift_select tmy clothing item, then switch to weight paint mode and click “transfer weight” using the options:

  • Data Type: Vertex Groups
  • Create Data: checked
  • Vertex Mapping: Nearest Face Interpolated
  • Object Transform: checked
  • Only Neighbor Geometry: unchecked
  • Ray Radius: 0.0
  • Source Layer: All Layers
  • Destination Layer: By Name
  • Mix Mode: Replace
  • Mix Factor: 1.0

The result would usually be en extremely good starting point weighting for all bones with only minor touch-ups required in the typical problem areas.

Now with 2.76 there have been slight changes to the settings options:

  • Source Layer: the options are now Active Layer, By Order, or By Name
  • Destination Layer: options are now All Layers, or Active Layer

The only source setting that seems to transfer all bones is “By Name” and when I do this I get very bizarre weight assignments that bare no resemblance at all to my selected weight source mesh.

If I switch to Projected Face Interpolated I get much closer (and probably close to identical to the results that would give in 2.75) but then need to do a lot more post-transfer tweaking. Nearest Face Vertex gives the same unfathomable results as Nearest Face Interp. Nearest Vertex seems to work the way it used to but also then usually requires more post-transfer tweaks.

So my question is…am I missing something stupidly obvious that I ought to be doing now to have Nearest Face Interp produce results in the way they did under 2.75?

Thanks in advance for any help.

I’ve checked to make sure any transformations have been applied