Blend didn’t have mesh in it. Select mesh, shift select shirt then into weight paint. Transfer. But, make sure your x mirror and topology mirror are turned off. Mesh and shirt share same layer.
Assuming you parented your shirt to the armature with empty groups first.
Go to object mode. Select your body mesh then shift select your shirt. Go into weight paint and use transfer. Post a blend with your meshes. The one you posted only has an armature.
Here is a quick weight transfer. Just to help you out a little.
First of all, let’s look at your mesh. It’s all triangles. Ugh. Those darn game parts I almost never work with. LOL.
Your meshes, armatures need to have rotation and scale applied. If you select your armature and go into edit mode, your meshes are not aligned at all. Here is how I adjusted things for you. Select your mesh victim. Get rid of your collision for now by clicking the x in collision in the physics tab. You can put it back later. In your modifier tab, click apply on the armature so your mesh is the same as how you posed it. Otherwise your going to be hopelessly lost. Click on your armature, go into pose mode. Select all bones. Then Apply pose as rest pose. Go to your mesh and apply your rotation and scale, Control a. Now your mesh and armature are the same. Add back your armature in the modifier tab and click preserve volume. Now if you go into edit mode on your armature, it matches the former pose mode.
Now let’s fix the other mesh. Select your shirt. Get rid of the cloth physics. Again you can put it back later. Apply your rotation and scale Control A. Delete your armature modifier, don’t apply this one. If your bone is not deforming, you should turn off the deform check box in the bone tab, but that is another issue. Delete all your vertex groups, we will redo them to clear out any loose weight. Select your mesh and then armature, and parent it to empty groups. Select your victim mesh, then your shirt and and control shift to weight paint mode. Transfer weights, select nearest vertex, object transform and by name, then all layers, replace. Your original weight painting needs a lot of work. But this will get you close. Here’s your weighted file.
Thank you very much! I do it under your instruction and it’s work now. I try to delete before cloth and colission, but key is that need to reapply modifier for the right rest pose and apply all scales.
you are very help! Thank you again - very detail and deployed answer. very appreciate this!
ps: in the end I want to pull off shirt from character, I wonder how it better to do. I think that shirt with weigth verticies can apply to duplicate armature of character and for needen keyframe give this armature maintance to shirt for pull offing through one sleev.
can you give a small advise for this?)