Transform action not matching mouse coursor

I head this problem for years, but never was able to find anything about it.
It appears to happen completely random that when I model stuff in Edit Mode transform actions that use mouse input as value (translate, rotate, scale etc…) get scaled up. That means when for example I grab a vertex it travels a lot further than the mouse courser. Normally when I move the mouse by 100 pixels the vertex should have traveled 100 pixels as well (in screen space) but instead it moved further depending on the zoom level.
The issue is definitely UI related as it gets temporarily fixed by opening the file without loading the UI.

Does anyone know how to prevent this problem from happening again? It really bugs me to have to reload the file every now and then…
Additionally I noticed that ‘view selected’ or ‘view all’ zooms in a lot more than usual.:confused:


… typical
You have a problem you can’t possibly account for, ask about it somewhere and BOOM, you find the answer yourself.

The described problem occurs when you set the manipulation origin to the 3D-Coursor and edit something far away from it.
The further away you are from the manipulation origin the less precise the editing becomes…