Transform Orientations - HELP !! :/

hi there…i got a problem i already had some times before:
first i enter the edit mode ,then select some faces and want them to scale in the “Normal”-Y-direction …
BUT what it actually does is to scale the faces in the “Global” Y-direction as before, even if “Normals” is selected ?! O.o
the “Normal”-Orientation worked some times before and sometimes not^^ now it doesn´t work again and i really don´t know how to fix this :confused: i try to upload some pictures concerning this problem

With Normal transform orientation selected, S Y would scale along the global Y direction and S Y Y would scale along the normal Y axis

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:smiley: thank u very much for this really quick answer ! :slight_smile: (misteriously it works with a single S Y at an other mesh :open_mouth: )