Here is Log:
I’m was wait very long for this feature !!! Can somebody make build for WinXP from current CVS, please ???
Here is Log:
I’m was wait very long for this feature !!! Can somebody make build for WinXP from current CVS, please ???
sweet sounds great
I’m looking forward to a demo of this feature. It sounds promising!
OK. I found build from today :
THX ZanQdo
I’ve compiled today cvs … but can’t find snaping
karpov <- In Edit Mode: Mesh (menu from Header) -> Transform -> Snap
But… In my opinion this don’t work correctly :(… Yes, this is still WIP.
In my opinion this snap should be in popup menu enabled with SHIFT-S ! When Blender will have all snap methodes in one place…
…oh my god…
…I can’t speak…
Compiled again… but this time on my ubuntu dapper laptop with ATI card, transform menu appear in mesh menu but it doesn’t seem to work …
ATI go to hell ! :mad:
Very handy would be to have those snap options/properties avaliable as a floating panel just like Transform properties. This panel could be also accesible through Shift-S…
Because you can limit this snapping by using axis constraints (as usual in transform), something that wouldn’t easily fit in a one button action function.
That and it’s not going to be limited to translations only.
As for the ATI bug, can you try going in wireframe view or turning depth clipping off?
At last progress with snapping.
Finally after how many years?
I’ve only spent 5 minutes with it, but the way it’s implemented suggests that objects have to be ctrl J 'd to get the verts up in edit mode inorder to snap the two together, i’ve always wondered about how snapping would work in the mesh / object way blender is, would snapping not be better implemented ignoring mesh / object modes and just working with both so as you move a vert of a mesh your working on close to an object, the objects verts, edges, faces etc just highlight in object mode so you can snap a mesh to an object, i think there might be limitations to working solely in edit mode.
However this is from an AutoCAD users perspective.
still looking forward to whatever martin implements though.
yes, good news!
I hope it will work in conjunction with a (better) knife tool.
ATI problem : tested in wireframe mode -> nothing more
(…since 2.42, cvs compiled : blender raise : “Ignoring Xlib error: error code 169 request code 147”… on both ATI/NVIDIA…but goes on… with NVIDIA, …and crashing under ATI…)
…Have you planed to make use of snap in object mode ?
Nevertheless, wright now, this snapping function is quite a revolution for architectural modelling ( and to me, put Blender at same level of any other commercial 3d package )
The use of snap with lock axes work really, really good.
Great Job !
…and I’m sure it’s just the begining…
So problems in wireframe too?
That is very troublesome. I’d like to hear from other ATI users if they have problems or not.
karpov: are you SURE it doesnt do anything…? because my tests on the tool first seemed the same, but after a little bit of practice i started understanding how it works. still though, sometimes i don’t get any snapping … and when i do, it kind of feels weird. (snaps in “mid-air” etc) …
as for the xlib errors, i get those too, and i’ve been meaning to ask actually… i get this:
Ignoring Xlib error: error code 170 request code 148
Ignoring Xlib error: error code 170 request code 148
but blender starts otherwise happily, and works… so i pay no attention
basse: I have been gettin those errors with my personal builds for quite a while also(ubuntu)…and my nvidia works anyway too so I have also ignored it;). I have asked about it at blendercoders several times but got no response…I did notice that I get a pair of those warnings everytime blender opens a new window - 2 on startup and 2 more whenever blender opens a new renderwindow.
Snap in mid-air is a bug in vertex selection code, someone is working on it. There’s another bug where it won’t apply the changes between grid and snap immediately, I’m working on this one.
Oh freakin awesome!! The lack of descent snapping (no offense) had being driving me nuts since I started using blender.
/me a happy blender user!
PS. The ` hotkey dose not work here only via the menu, also snapping to what you are extruding needs fixing.
ATI problem : really… not working
I have an IBM T42P laptop with Fire GL T2 ati card.
And it’s a problem for everything under Linux :
-driver installation / 3d acceleration : a nightmare
-no screen saver
-bugy mouse icon
-crashing blender when going in/out edit mode in certain case…
-and so on…
so…(forget about it !)
ok how does this work?
i am in edit mode, turned on snap in mesh>transform>snap but nothing happens.
and yes i am on ATI ;(