Transformation of a closed 3D curve into a mesh.

Bezier or nurbs, if a curve is 3D and closed, using alt+Ckey on it result in a transformation into a mesh where all the vertices are gathered together at the center of rotation. Pulling them out in edit mode reveal that there is no edge between them.

The 2D curves or the 3D but Open curves behave just as I wished the closed 3D would.

Any workaround beside imitating the shape of the closed 3D with and open one ? Any idea about something I might be doing wrong. Anybody who doesn’t have that problem ?

Thanks gang.


Same problem. :-?
No idea :-?

There seems to be something missing in blenders 3D-curve editing. %|

Mmm… that’s new to me… l’et’s check the bugtraq…


I think you have to give the curve some thikness (Ext1, Ext2). Then you should be able to convert it properly.


Your workaround works just fine : great, I won’t have to do it all by hand : in the case of an elaborate roller coaster it would have been h’'L

Thanks Xtra

Just an additional hint if somebody needs to convert a closed 3D-surface:

Build your shape with 3D curves and when you finished, leave the edit mode and deselect the 3D-Button. The Curve is still three dimensional but now you can convert it into mesh without to get the problem that the verts are gathered at the center.


Excellent advice Xtra, I never knew that. I always wondered why my bezier circles did a disappearing act :wink:

I was trying something and noticed some more odd behaviour, maybe someone can help or explain.

Delete the default plane,
Add a Bezier Circle,
(Still in top view) select the left and right handles;
Press the [3D] button,
Switch to front view and drag the handles ‘up’ by 2 grid spacings,
Exit Edit mode, Press the [3D] button,
Convert, Alt_c to mesh
Tab into edit mode,

Why is the back of our “taco” shaped mesh missing faces?
Any quick fix for this?

Truly, I couldn’t tell you why but…

The filling is sensitive to the relative orientation of the Z-axis!!!

You can even make knots in the faces…

I’m a bit depressed at this point…


The filling is sensitive to the relative orientation of the Z-axis!!!

Hmm, that sounds familiar :wink:

Let’s meet tonight with some lead pipes and fix that z-axis once and for all :wink: