Hi I am Abhishek, I am new to blender software as well as to this forum and I started learning blender very recently because its really cool and easy to use. I’ve seen on many blender related sites what it is capable of doing but just out of my curiosity I would like to know that is it possible to create visual effects and simulations which are in the latest movie flick “Transformers”.
Please ignore it if it is not the right place to ask such questions.
Thanks & Regards
imho, it’s totally possible. Yet, extremely difficult…as with whatever software you use.
from what I know, for exemple, the optimus prime model from the movie had 5000 animated objects in his arm alone. That is quite alot
You can do about anything you want in Blender if you have the skills and patience. Some things are harder to do in blender than in some other app, while other things might be easier and faster in blender.
In anyway, blender is very capable but in the end it’s always the guy behind the desk that must be capable!
Welcome aboard, I’m sure you’ll enjoy your time with blender
There was an article on cgsociety.org covering the effects in Transformers. They seem to be down for maintenance at the moment, so I can’t link to it, but I’m sure you’ll be able to find it easily.
As for whether it’s possible or not… well, Ecks answered that very well. Welcome to Blender!
Thank you very much this reply means so much to me. I’ll do my best and now I’ve become more determined and I don’t care how hard it is and how much time its gonna take to bring such visual effects all I care is to bring such things to life. But for now i’m just a beginner and I am gonna work hard with it.
Thank you very much once again.
Thank you very much for the reply it means so much to me i was dejected for some reasons but now its great to hear from you people and as per your suggestion I’ll definitely try to find it.
Thanks once again.
someone from blur studio, who got the original models from ILM for making the game for the movie, said something about 300 to 500 moving parts per character.
anyway, beside talent and blender you need a good computer.
I’m certain the game models have way less going on than the movie models.
I’ve seen the site where they quoted the exact number of moving parts for each
character and they were overwhelming. Optimus Prime was the most complex
one in the movie and also the most expensive to have animated. That’s why
he doesn’t come in till half way through and you still see him less than the other
characters. I hear rumors that the movie did well enough that they will have a
much bigger budget for the sequel so we can all expect a lot more of the
Transformers in action on the big screen.
reading in 3d world mag, usually one robot was around 1, 5 million poly, some robots more.
now, i have 512 mb ram in my machine and the max poly count i can get on a workable level is 35Ok…
Happy learning Abhishek. Sounds like you’re on fire for Blender/3D animation.
Keep studying and practicing. I believe you can achieve your goals as professional
3D artist. Stick with it.
The allspark is real. That’s where they got all the rendering power for the movie.
First of all thanks for the reply and Yes I agree with you its important to have really good H/W. And there were many moving parts but its more than that, as per the Clean3D’s suggestion i searched in CGsociety site and i found this link
Plz go through it.
Thanks & Regards
Thanks for the reply and yes its very important to me.
Thanks once again for your encouragement.
Thanks for the reply and i found some interesting articles on the site. You can find it at this link
here you can find the interview with the Michael Bay.
welcome on board.
not directly transformers, but nearly and made with blender…
Thank you very much I am satisfied by this clip and I’ll move on with lot more confidence.
Thanks & Regards