Transforming object from one, to another?

Is it possible to have an object, get transfomed to another object in blender…
during a animation? Like if I have an cube, and I want it to get tranformed (like growing up, or somthing) to a Human… I don’t yhink shape-keys can be use… also the monkey-brush is not good enoght, for wat I want… :frowning:
( )

Any ideas, how to do this??

Thanks :smiley: [/img]

you can use the morph function, but both meshes have to have the same amount of vertices. Seems simple until you realize that.

And why exactly do you think, that you can’t use Shape Keys?

And why exactly do you think, that you can’t use Shape Keys?

If i got my shape for a little thing, and it shall be transformed to a human, i nedd to make the arms and all the other vertcies and then it would not look good… I have already tested it so I know that it does not work…

Hey thanks… Ant tuts for thant function? Or is is just like shape keys? :wink:

Hey thanks… Any tuts for that function? Or is is just like shape keys? :wink:

If i got my shape for a little thing, and it shall be transformed to a human,

Use shape keys, but go about it the other way; model your human and make it the base key. Then add a shape key in which you have transformed the human into a cube. For smoothness you will probably have to make keys for the intermediate stages. Make liberal use of the Smooth and ToSphere functions in the Mesh Tools.

Use shape keys, but go about it the other way; model your human and make it the base key. Then add a shape key in which you have transformed the human into a cube. For smoothness you will probably have to make keys for the intermediate stages. Make liberal use of the Smooth and ToSphere functions in the Mesh Tools

Good idea… I will try that… thanks! :smiley: