Hello fellow artists,
I thought it would be cool to translate Pixar’s Maya Norman rig to Blender since it’s available under a CC license. I’m not a skilled rigger, and it’d probably take me ages if I ever even attempt it. If anyone wants to attempt to do it, I’ve linked the .obj.
The real charm of the rig lies in that it’s low poly, and segmented, so it’s fast, easily animatable and customizable, letting animators focus on performance more than design or technical issues. It’s expressive face also allows for acting without distraction.
I don’t expect many responses, however I’m keeping an open mind. If anyone is interested in making this a collaborative effort, or simply wants to take my spot, feel free to PM me here or on SKYPE under the same username. Thanks in advance for any replies. Cheers.
Thanks for your interest. This could be a great opportunity for animators and riggers alike. Feel free to share your progress here in this thread, or link to it. I think I’m going to start on my version today or tomorrow. Cheers.
Nice Loolarge!!! Just out of curiosity, all the custom tools your using from the tool shelf on the right you’ve developed? Is that part of the whole rigging development you’ve been toying with and posted in the news&discussion section about?
Just want to add notes/warnings about known issues:
The skinning of the thumb sucks.
The visibility-expressions will produce dependency cycle warnings when creating a linked proxy, so don’t use references yet.
The shear, flex and spread attributes on the hands are not symmetric, the order is messed up on the right side.
There is a mode called “IK2” that is yet a bit broken/invisible on the UI side.
There are no facials
That second to last clip from the movie, A Christmas Story, is classic! Folks, this is what happens when you watch that movie for 24 hours, every Christmas, for ten years. You know where that phrase came from right off the bat.
MarkJoel60: Actually the script should load automatically on file load. When you select an arm control, do you see the category “Character Properties” in the right property panel (n-key)? The text editor can have multiple files open, so you need to click and select this text from the dropdown menu. Then click “Run Script” or alt+p. The Autorig is made in python only. Hope it works ok …
OK… yes, didn’t know about the multiple text files thing… THANKS!
But a question: what do I get when I run ALT-P that I didn’t’ have before? Because I run it, and I can’t see anything new… am I just missing it? Or could the script be running automatically when I load the blend file? …
I have the “Character Properties” section even before I run the script… Does the script give me something more?
(And, yes, the rig is working really well! I wish I had an easy way of transferring this to another mesh… I real.ly like your rig!)