Translucent curtains


I’m new to these forums, so please be gentle :wink:

I’m currently rendering a bedroom in blender and yafray, and have come across a problem when texturing the curtains. On a sunny day, if the curtains are closed, you get a square of light from the window that illuminates and shines through the curtains, yet the curtains still remain opaque. When I tried to recreate this in blender, however, I couldn’t get it to work. If I set ztransparency and lowered the alpha, I could see the objects through the curtains, instead of it being just the light, and they seemed really thing. It was partially transparent, more than translucent. Any way of sorting this out please?

Ps. The second attachment with the curtains has much much lower render settings, as the first took too long.

Thanks a lot!



Naive Amoeba,

Do a search on yafray and alpha on in this forum. Short answer I believe is that yafray does not recognize alpha. Please see the attached, using Blender render. If I understand correctly, this is the effect you are looking for, seeing objects behind, and light shining thru.


Thanks for the help, but no, I don’t want to be able to see objects, only light that shines through it. I’ve tried searching the forums but couldn’t find anything. Perhaps I’ll try making a texture with tiny “holes” cut out of it.


Naive Amoeba,

Another thing to watch out for, is that by default, an object will receive a shadow from the alpha channel. To allow light to show thru, the objects will need to have “TraShad” activated in the shaders tab. In the image I posted, the table has TraShad activated to allow light to pass thru the lace doily and hit the table surface.

Best of luck!!