I just get a white spere, when pressing P . My monkey(Suzanne) is inside the sphere, I’ve set the texture up correctly so I can see thru the ball to Suzanne in the render mode, but can’t work it for the UV.
Tried all possible buttons regarding Alpha etc, that I can think of, does anyone know of a way that works.
Also tried WIRE frame the sphere instead but I would rather have transparanet Ball.
(No one interested in this yet, as a small project?)
hmmm… (just in case) the material and texture buttons only work when rendering… you MUST use UV texturing for games. And to make your… (ball was it?) you must make the texture (TGA or PNG in blender 2.225) with an alpha channel… that will set the amount of transparency. And in the paint buttons, when selecting al faces you change from opaque to alpha…
Want details? Or I just explained something else?..
Tried using PNG, 24 bit, but still no joy, I have had the faces set to alpha, Tex is set to UV with Alpha in material settings, even made a new transparent PNG but still no joy.
Alpha under the paint buttons? or Material buttons? huh? http://guble.tripod.com/alpha.jpg (copy paste in browser)
That of the paint buttons should be the one
Remember to copy this to all faces selecting them all and then pressing copy drawmode[/img]
I have also tried using the invisible toggle, but I still get a white sphere, and can’t see ‘Suzanne’.
Also I select UV in the material settings instead of Orco, and Tex face, for colour.
Still no transparency joy when pressing P. Do I need a Python script or can it be done through button selection?
I have tried the methods suggested in the previous replies to these posts but still no joy.
humm…really can’t think what could be wrong :-?
what image format are you using? 2.25 allows either TGAs or PNGs with alpha channels, but thats all. MUST be 32 bits (the extra 8 are the alpha channel).
Could you possibly mail me the .blend, or a similar test, i really don’t now what else could be wrong if you’ve done all the above posts
Before I go into detail on how to do this, is this what you are looking for?
the round circle pictures are uv mapped onto the cube and are transparent, and what you see is a snap shot of a 3d window in shaded view.
any face can be alpha, no restrictions to certain shapes
the settings in the screenshot ‘should’ work if the image is mapped correctly using the UV editor, the material settings are pretty much irrelevant in-game
also, tested TGAs and PNGs myself, had a few problems getting the alpha channel in the TGA to work, PNGs were fine though so i recommend using them if possible
Tried PNG at 32 bit, even tried with alpha channel converted, but no good.
When I select the sphere and press F, do I need to only select half of the sphere’s faces or all.
I add a uvsphere (should it be an icosphere?), around Suzanne, then press F, then load my transparent PNG as a UV texture. Then I press U in the main 3d window and select from window.
Then when I press P, all I can see is a solid sphere. In the vertex paint buttons, when F is selected ALPHA is selected instead of the default setting.
So what am I doing wrong. If I use the PNG with the converted alpha channel, all I get is a black UV texture, and then black solid faces.
OK, this is starting to bug me now :-? I just don’t get why?
Have you tried a simple test, i think we need to identify whether it is the texture or the mapping.
Sorry if you’ve already done this but:-
new scene -> create a plane -> F -> U (Any mapping mode) -> load texture -> click Alpha in face buttons -> Alt Z
If this doesn’t work then its a texture problem
If you get a white face then it hasn’t mapped correctly
i know you know how to do most of that but hey, i’m bored
oh, and Alpha works on ANY face
Just had a play around and have realised, that a sphere, or anything with more than one face, needs to have each face selected individually and then ALPHA depressed in the Face paint buttons. It will not work if ALL faces are selected at once.
This therefore means that it’s a ball aching process of selecting a face pressing Alpha then selecting the next face and repeating.
If all faces are selected then ALPHA depressed, no transparency occurs, do you find the same thing?
Does any one know of an easy (and quick) method for objects with multiple faces, to save the above method having to be used?
It’s a button in the paint buttons. It will copy the paint settings from the ACTIVE face (in face select mode, the one with the red and green sides) to all the other selected faces.