Transparent Background Problem

Trying to render the background as transparent in cycles.

I selected (RGBA) and selected (Film > Transparent) then saved as .png, but the background rendered black and not transparent. What am I doing wrong?

I set the background to white otherwise the object renders too dark.


Don´t worry about the black color. Save your image and import it in photoshop or gimp and you´ll see that color is transparent.

Thanks LuisEDB. I selected (RGBA) and selected (Film > Transparent) then saved as .png, but the background is still black when I open it in Photoshop. Anything else I can look for that would be causing this?


Here is the .blend file.

the render itself has an alfa, it’s ok for what you are looking for, the problem comes with the compositing process.

The problem seems to be the alpha over step. The image node has no image input.

I figured it out. Thanks.