Ive been trying to render an image using a transparent glass with an object inside it. However, the transparent glass creates a shadow which blots all colour out from the inside object and makes it render black. After fiddling around for a while i fixed this by allowing objects to take transparent shadows in materials->shaders. unfortunately this doesnt work when trying to render in yafray. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
For the material of the object inside of your glass object, you have to click on “TraShadow” in the Shaders panel. This allows the object to receive transparent shadows based on object color and alpha.
ive tried both the solutions suggested above.
the image works in blender but still not in yafray.
Setting untraceable off is not really what i want cos although it does fix some problems, the transparent material still produces thick shadows that are not correct.
The trashadows option only seems to work in blender - not yafray.
Thanks for your help anyway
Well, are you using GI?
I guess so…and that is the problem. Indirect light can’t pass transparent surfaces as direct light can. You’ll need to use some workarounds…