Transparent Objects Create black Marks EVEN Though I Increased Max Bounces

I have this common “black artifacts” issue that appears when transparent objects overlap each other. Normally this problem is solved by Render Properties>Lighth Paths>Max Bounces> Increase “Transparent” and “Total” values but seems like it’s not working for me. I’m using Blender 3.1

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

I am not sure but I think there is a bug with refractive shaders that are not a principled shader with transmission slider set to 1.
I think that there is a problem of initialization. I need to set a transparent material with a principled shader, first. In order to have my glass shaders taking account maximum transparent bounces.

How did you make your objects transparent ?

I’ve set the alpha value on the Principled BSDF menu to 0. I am using cycles
Black Artifacts.blend (885 KB)

That case is a very specific one.
That has nothing to do with amount of bounces.
It is a limitation of how path of bounces should interpret such inner surfaces.

Your objects have 2 mesh surfaces at exact same location. Such overlapping is not supported by transparent bounces.
There is a need for an offset.
Cycles knows what to do if two meshes are separated by a little space.
It knows what to do if meshes are intersecting. In that case, refraction will be different.
But because there are those two different cases, it does not know what to do when faces are perfectly overlapping.