Transparent Plane Trouble

Hi guys, still having trouble with transparent planes leaving an outline on hills:

Its a plane with a texture and a JPG alpha mask.
If we can’t fix it this time, I might have to give up on the realism part of my WW1 project.
My main reason for giving up is the .5 second delay that I have in the viewport, even when I’m on a blank layer -_-
^ I tried multiple times but to no avail, to find someone who knew how to fix this. Might be a bug caused by some of my settings but regardless, its not good.


It was saved in RGB with only black and white data. However, I have other objects with the exact same setup (like the sticks in this scene) that worked out perfectly fine. I will instead change it to BW in the node setup and I’ll tell you how it goes. Thanks
lol topology dreams

Well that didn’t work, but I was hoping it would. I tried the PNG method too, didn’t work either, even with backface culling to prevent possible double plane shading errors. However, I isolated a couple of the texture layers that I was using and figured out that the shading issue is either due to the rock or stick textures, not the leaves. I will troubleshoot later, but I think we may be getting somewhere.

I guess it comes down to, what is different in this image than the others.

The images are exactly the same, in fact I took them with the same camera, edited them the same way in photoshop, and put them in the exact same node setup, besides the texture itself. The only possible differences that I can think of is that the branches are on a larger plane and maybe I messed up a setting somewhere by misclicking.

Edit potentially solved:
I completely redid the node setup and replaced the jpeg, and it still didn’t work. Afterwards I replaced the node setup again with a PNG and remade the PNG in photoshop, its shading is for some reason off but I believe I can fix it with some work. Thanks Photox!

This is ridiculous - it was working, then I added a brightness and contrast node. It failed, so I removed the node and rendered again; still failed! Though I reverted to the previously functional settings, they were no longer correct!!!

I can’t think of any other explanation other than a really persistant bug. I didnt’ find the solution today, maybe tomorrow. Its not the node setup, the nodes have been changed out multiple times. Its not the textures, they have been regenerated multiple times. Its not the file format, the textures are the exact same as the other textures (that worked)

Just post the packed blend.

have you changed the max transparent bounces, in the render tab? if a ray travels through more than that number of planes with transparency, they will be rendered black.

Wow Secrop, I didn’t think of that! I haven’t tried it yet but I’m almost certain that’s the solution, it has to be. Thanks very much to Photox and Secrop.
edit: solved