transparent shadows

a wall of mine refuses to recieve transparent shadowsw, enev though it is checked in the materials tab. what am i doing wrong?

Make sure your shadows are set to raytrace in the lamp material settings :smiley:

they are tehy are… i have been through the settings on the lamp, the material, and the wall, everything seems to in order but it simply does not work. I have gotten this right 100000 times before but now i have no idea what is wrong.

You see, all that will be shown in final render is the shadows, but the smoke simulation refuses to cast a transparent shadow, btw anything at all refuses to cast transparent shadows, only solid ones work, even though material on the brick and on the surface in between are set to receive transparent.


See the Image. I have uploaded the blend file. Hope you will like it.


trp_img.blend (207 KB)trp_img.blend (1.33 MB)

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