Tree climbing 4-eyed rat

I am a hobbyist artist, relatively new to Blender (learning it for a couple of months). This creature initially was sculpted in Zbrush, but finished in Blender, so I venture to post it here. I wanted to create something furry and weird, but also funny. My first attempt to use hair. Many thanks for those, who helped me with fur and texturing issues (@CarlG and @omgold).


You’re welcome.

Love the result. In particular the pose and facial expression afe wonderful.

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This was an interesting creature to look at.

Original creature and i like the SSS on the ears, my only positive critic would be that the eyes could be popping a little more, just playing with specular!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you @bartv, I am truly flattered, especially having in mind that this is one of my first works.

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