Hi all.
Wanting to create some heavy tones for a normal map, that I’m planning to put onto a simple cuboid sphere. I thought of making a ton of leaves, then ‘sticking’ them to a mesh to create a leafy look, but then realised that was insane, and there must be an easy way to do it.
Can I use the particle system for this? Any way people would recommend? I have a simple leaf mesh that I want duplicated all over the tree in random rotations but adhering to the angles of the mesh so they’re ‘flat’ against it.
Any advices?
Have you tried the advanced option in the particle tab? There you can adjust the normal, tangent and x,y,z directions of emission. To get a particle system to emit the leave objects you have to tick Object under the Render tab and pick the leaf object you have created.
Hi Rune. Did you take a look at the screenshot? I have some of that already set up. I’ve been experimenting with normal mapping though, and can’t get that kind of multi-faceted leaf effect to bake onto the normal map… Shame.