Treehouse (UV-Unwrap Problems)

Different hues can be tweaked in blender using the same texture or making multiple textures using photoshop.

I have to admit that even the flat planes look decent from that camera distance.

Ok heres a render with more modeling whittled away :slight_smile: (you’ll notice the railings, ropes and roots). I’ve use the correct specularity for the leaves give them a, well leaf-like shape. I also turned on trashadow on the leaf textuer to enable transparent shadows, on the whole lightening the clumps of leaves.

In answering your posts:

  • Yeah tef i implemented the textures to vary the leaf hue yet - i was kinda thinking i might use nodes for that, like as in use a filter… - what do you think, tef?
  • And about the planes yeah they do look ok, i think its because the leaf texture that i used is acually curved, that might give them the illusion of being more 3-dimentional.I also decided to post a wirefrome for you :D.


The house looks really fun and the leaf placement looks nice. Some leafs look very stiff and hard, but im sorry to say I havent figured out any good solution to that other than tuning translucency and feather (in photoshop) to get a softer edge. But its hard to tell how much that will be noticed before anything else is textured.

G’luck and I will pop in later to see your progress.

OK ive been trying out the UV-unwrap tool for the first time for the trunk and i have got a few questions:

Will it be necessary to unwrap each individual branch?

Is there a way to copy the unwrapped wireframe into an image editor without having to use “print screen” (im sure there is, i think i read about it), and if so how do i do it?

To save an unwrapped layout, under the UV menu select
Save UV Face Layout
It’ll then ask you how large, and a few other settings.
I just started UV Mapping myself, so I’m afraid I can’t be of much help in terms of unwrapping each branch versus the entire tree.
Keep going, though, your project looks very awesome, and It should be a sight to behold once it’s fully textured and a good render is pumped out.


Dunno really, I am no good with nature stuff imo. I am lousy on nature I should say (see my problem with my monestary :P), but yes, my initial thought would be to split the bransches into their own uv-parts and save everything on a 1024 uv-layout. Bransches usually have natural seems where the bransches start so it would work just fine I think.

Thanks for the help, im unwrapping it now, but as i said in my first post - texturing really isnt my thing… :frowning:

Oh well ill struggle along - its a great learning experience just the same :).

This looks really nice! Very cosy treehouse :smiley:
Well detailled modelling!

I would make a lot more branches and leaves so the treehouse would be more hided.
You can also spread the house over several trees; that would be cool too! :slight_smile:

But as I don’t know what you’ve got in mind, I can only tell you my suggestions. I think it will be great when it’s finished. Looking forward too see it finished!

Ciao & good luck with it,

ps: as my English isn’t that good, I added some pictures to make clear what I mean!


Why don’t you post the uv-layout with texture on it, the uv-texture reveals alot of details that could be enhanced. Though I will be patient and wait for you to finish what your doin :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi bjzaba, I really like this model, you’re making good progress. Look forward to seeing it finished.

Impressive work o far. I think the tree trunk should be more detailed though and not just tall smooth tube -The suggestion to add more branches is a good. As for the leaves, they work fine for this far off render but I don’t know that the method really works close-up so it depends on if you’re planning on close-up renders or just this one shot whether you should invest more time in the leaves.

Besides that, I just have some very very minor gripes about the smoothing of the end of the telescope, the toilet looks a little wierd, and lots of things need beveling, -of course if you’re just planning on the one far off rendering none of those things really matter.

Keep up the good work -This is quite the project.

What a GREAT idea. It’s just about every little kids dream. I love the details such as the tire swing and the mailbox.

I don’t have much advice to give but it sure looks good to me :slight_smile:

really cool concept i like the different levels of the treehouse more color and maybe AO for realness.

In case you haven’t UV mapped the tree,here is a link to a great video which shows one easy way to do it.

It is from the Yo Frankie series.