Trex model

this is a sculpture I made using blender and sculptris. my basic workflow

Modeled the low poly model in Blender
Sculpt the detail in Sculptris
Rig the low poly model
use the low poly model as a mesh deformer to pose the Highpoly model
Add a base and water simulation splash
Render and edit the video in blender

the more I learn about blender the more I love it! Thanks to the community for answering my various newbie questions.

heres a couple more images

Great work.

Great work. This is one of the best TREX I have seen on the NET. Actually I have seen hundreds, only about three are very convincing, yours is one of them.

The details are fantastic and truly realistic. Hope my next TREX will have as many details as yours. For some time I used Sculptris, no anymore since it exports only triangles, however this is not a problem if we wanted to only bake normals, no your case since you render the High Poly version.

I got Zbrush instead since it works with Polygons and triangles. However the sculpting capabilities within Blender are very good too, Zbrush seems to handle memory better, guess Sculptris too. How many triangles or vertex are we talking about here? Can you post a Low Poly wireframe to take a look at?

One great thing about sculpting inside Blender is the ability to switch the multires Modifier Off while doing the animation, that way we don’t need Normal maps, rendering the High Poly using just one unique model, plus the rendering result is better than baking normals. Take a little bit more to render but, who cares?

If you added some color, then that guy would shine, however adding color requires also skills since you can make it look worse or better, sometimes color reduces the visual details of your hard worked sculpture.

A-MA-ZING! Bravo, Great model!

Fantastic sculptwork and overall detail on the model, I agree that this is one of the better models I’ve seen.

The lighting could use a little work though (softer contrasts between lit and shadows areas for examples)

Wonderful work both on the modeling and the texturing. The stop motion splashes are a nice detail.

simply fantastic. But… no textures? booo! I know it’s a lot of work, but would look so awesome. Do you call this finished meaning you don’t plan to add textures?

Really awesome, I also agree with the lighting comment.

thanks everyone for the Kind comments and advice.

@animaticoide I would have preferred to sculpt in blender, but at the moment sculptris can draw a larger amount of polygons faster. I’m not overly technical but something to do with using the cpu to render the polys? Next project I might sculpt something a bit lower poly. I will try and keep it all in blender.
I was going to make a normal mapped low res model to animate in Blender, but I couldn’t render a normal map. It just kept crashing even in linux. So I just gave up and posed the high poly. Maybe if i have some free time I will go back and make an animate-able version.

@AceDragon and @SeanJM
yes, very true. I’m still a beginner in Blender(started using learning February) I especially need to learn more about lighting.I will re-render a few stills.

@Brachi <hangs head in shame> sorry no plans to add textures to this version. But now that there is the nifty new texture paint, when I am making the low res animat-eable
version I will have to texture it. I was thinking of cleaning this version up and putting it on

Thanks for comments and advice, its a great encouragement to try harder.

Amazing attention to detail! Hats off to you, mate!

Thanks to everyones advice I re-rendered the shots with higher quality light settings and a black bg .

I also redid the video.

Just a little addendum I got the model printed on shapeways. I’m really happy with how it turned out.

There are a couple more photos of the printed model in the shapeways gallery.

WOW! Impressive!

wow…well done!

Beatifully done, thanks for posting the workflow, I use sculptris a little, have thought of trying to retopologise models. I can see the results can be great, with attention to detail.

That is soo cool. About lag in blender sculptring -> try preferences ->draw method -> triple buffer. Andy maybe VBO’s on. It works for me.