tribal-style butterfly

well I think it looks like a butterfly at least. This is sort of a WIP.

It was a pencil drawing (
that I vectorized with Sodipodi.

Looks very cool. Reminds me of some tattoos I have seen recently.

That’s abstract. I like it.

Nice. Looks good. :slight_smile:

how does it look like butterfly?


Basse, I think it’s currently only half of a butterfly. The wing is the bit on top, and the body is the bit on the bottom. Or it could be looked at as if the wings were folded. See the part that looks like an eye? That would be the main part of the body.

oh right… heh.
I see it now.
another wing would make it more clear tho. and balance the whole picture.


From my vision it is a butterfly from the side, wings folded. You can see a bit of the other wing peeking around the main one at the top right. The legs are at the bottom. The ‘eye’ is really just a body embellishment, the ‘head’ is at the righdt side, with ‘antennae’.
Yea, its a bit vague and crazy :slight_smile: