Tribute to Art Nouveau

Hi all,

In Belgium, and mainly in Brussels, we have some great “Art Nouveau” works and I recently rediscovered them through some nice photos, so this is my tribute to this great art period.

Modelled with blender
Rendered with Yafray

Once again, in such a project the main issue is the texturing and I spent some time on creating UV mapping and textures.

C&C are of course welcome

whoa nice, i missed some more tone of colors variations but it is a good work congrats, the painting on the wall is very detailed and well made.

this is awesome mayn.Has a true abstract feeling…5 stars!

Really cool!

Thanks to all,

@Greboide : I first rendered it with colors but I finally converted it in mono. I didn’t create the painting, just picked up on the web :slight_smile:

i suspected, but it fitted very well with your work.

Yeah, it’s pretty nice. Good job.

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I wonder what a color version would look like.

I really like the detail put into this.:slight_smile:

enrico I really like it, but ehm… are you sure it’s not jugendstil in stead of art deco?

Thanks Macouno,

Your are fully right, I made a lapse ! It’s in fact “Art nouveau” (Jugendstil) and not “Art deco”. I fix it.

very nice work



[edit]Moved to the gallery too.[/edit]

Interesting viewpoint here. Much unlike most renders I see, but more like an actual photo.
The detail is also very good. Not overdone as can be with some art nouveau houses.
This one reminds me a lot of a Horta house.
I think it’s his personal one near Tervuren.
The wood under the stairs may be a bit too rough.
usually AN woodworks has a very polished feel to it.

Thanks Vliegtuig,

Are you from Belgium ?

You may be right, this is inpired by the Hotel Hannon in Brussels, I don’t think it has been made by Horta but this is very similar in the style. You are right regarding the wood of the ceiling, it should (and in fact it is) much more polished, I increased the bump to get a less soft rendering. I will try to post a color version, the wood will probably be more soft as colors will add variations.

Yes I am! Beer capital of the world, good man.

unusual camera angle - nice piece of work.

great job.

“Nouveau” as in “new”?

Hey, top of the forum, congrats!

I love art nouveau, this rendering is very nicely done. The curvilinear work on the staircase is indeed reminescant of Horta.

Though in regards to this work being an Art Nouveau tribute, I do however think it needs color, since desaturated secondary tones were signature to the style.

nice work

very impressive!

On one note, the shadow on the painting looks a bit to harsh, as from what I am seeing of the light through the top would make it a softer shadow I think.

5 stars!