Triple Six ( High Res)

I’ve been working on a character I named Triple Six, although I’m debating…
Should I continue with her high res model or should I change it to being something similar to a DS-res?
Something simple.

Seeing as this IS my first ever time modelling with Blender, I’m worried I’ve gone in over my head…

Anyway, here’s my progress so far;

That’s as far as I got for now.

She’s got tons of triangles though, I wasn’t planning ahead very well…
Hopefully this wont be much of an issue.

So… Maybe I’ll be little harsh, but organic modelling is one of the hardest things You could ever do for starters :slight_smile: You could post some wireframes, ok? So that we could see more and help more.

Anyways, head is one of the hardest things to do, and getting it right - it is just crazy. For me, I’ve created only few of them, and only one good enough to post - and it’s waaay too little. You must practice, tweak from diffrent angles and You’ll surerly make it right!

Also, You definitly should check… Jonathan Williamson’s? Tutorials from blendercookie. He covered loops and complete modelling of female :slight_smile:

Happy blending!

Oh, Jonathans tutorial is the one I bought!
Although when it came to modelling the head he kinda rushes on without explaining what he’s doing till a few steps later, making following him hard.

Also, to make things harder, I’ve been using my own stock rather than Kara.
Let me attach the whole blender file, so you can get a good look all 'round :P#

Triple Six.blend (772 KB)

Hm, I’m starting to think I should redo the head in such a way that lets me just texture the eyes and mouth onto it, as constructing an Anime styled eye is quite hard considering its size and a sphere just looks silly.

whoa, well good news is you have a great reference!

Do you know how to set it up so you can view it properly in blender?

And yes you should completely redo the face. First off it could be so, so much more low poly. in fact the whole body could have a lower poly count. have a lower poly count will help in making adjustments later (like say with rigging, weghts, and other things).

The rules for general face modeling apply to anime faces too. You shouldn’t have to much trouble applying the same techniques as long as you follow the reference. And exception to the rules here might be the lips but that’s open to interpretation(you could make the small).

Also For the eyes you technically don’t need to do a sphere, and oval should work fine or even half of one, since you won’t need to do major eye rotation you could generally get away with slight movements.

Here’s the head. I think I need to redo her mouth…

I may try to continue with the current head I have, and if things go from bad to worse I’ll change it.
Better the devil you know, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the support so far!

I’d say start over immediately, trust me, you’d save time and your next one will be much much better. I can’t tell you how many models like this i gave up on trying to fix it rather than start over with a better process.

In fact here’s an inspiring article to support that :P.

I thought about it for a bit and i realized figuring out the topology for this might be a real challenge for you. So i figured the best way to help is to give you an example.

So i took 30 minutes to model the face to give you an idea of a possible topology and shape solution. i downloaded the image you posted as a reference.

Note this is a bit too low poly for a face, meaning there are some short cuts taken.

Now i took a few liberties with the mouth, you kinda have to since they did the full mouth on the side thing.

She also lacks a proper chin line imo, you might be able to improve that.

I also didn’t fix up the shape too much, you might need a few more loops to properly form the face.

but anyway as you can see i followed some of the topology rules from the link i provided earlier.

And still even though this is a bit too low poly, working as low poly as possible in my opinion is best because its easier to fix problems, and modify for later use if you want use it.

I hope this helps you in your modeling.

Thats a damn good attempt!
Do you think you could show me your step by step on that? I’m using the Kara tutorial, and that doesn’t seem to be working when modelling of a more cartoony reference…

I’ll try using the links you sent me and stuff, I just don’t wanna ditch the rest of the model as the body came out kinda ok…
Unless I just delete the head… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah deleting just the head would be fine :p. you can also model it in a separate object and combine and attach later, sometimes that’s easier.

My process is simple (sort of).

Rather than start from shape like a square i start with a single vertex, and extrude that vertex into an out line of some feature of the character.

So to start i made an outline of the front of the face from the side, forming the center vertices. I then shaped the eyes, and mouth the same way. After that i extruded the eye shape scaling them outward twice and shaped them how i wanted and simple connected vertices and made faces as i went. It started using minimal verticies and the poly count slowly increased as i added detail using loops (ctrl-r) when needed.

I personally prefer modeling like this, but you need to constantly be aware of your form. checking each feature form both sides.

Oh another note, the corner of the mouth is not a triangle but a square, the two vertices for simply close together.

Be wary of your normals using this method ofcourse. (occationaly recalculate them as you go)

this is also something talked about in that link i gave you :wink:

(image from that link)

The red lines in the image below are the loops i added as i sealed up and formed the model(Not including extrusions).

Lastly here’s the reference set up i used, doesn’t contain the model though :wink:

EDIT: actually that’s kinda silly because it was so low res of an image, i thought it would help you get going faster XD


Anime_Girl_ref.blend (350 KB)

Could I be real sneaky and ask for the model? :3

meh, i guess.

Anime_Girl.blend (494 KB)