Hey folks,
I was messin’ around and I got this. Which is making me wonder, has anyone else got any trippy visualisation-style GE’s out there? Maybe some of us could get together and make an OpenSource music video?!
Hey folks,
I was messin’ around and I got this. Which is making me wonder, has anyone else got any trippy visualisation-style GE’s out there? Maybe some of us could get together and make an OpenSource music video?!
very cool!
pretty impressive too, considering that you’ve just started with the GE…
I dont think i’ve ever seen anything quite like this made with the GE recently, cool idea! would love to see some kind of interactive implementation though.
Thanks for compliment Tman.
I was thikning of making a V-Jaying program. If you don’t know what a VJ is… check the Google define:
VJ or veejay (from Video Jockey, by analogy with disc jockey or DJ or “deejay”) is a term coined in the early 1980s to describe the fresh faced youth who introduced the music videos on MTV. The word VJ is also used to represent video performance artists who create live visuals on all kind of music.
So a Blender GE interactive VJ kit, to build real-time trippy visuals to your music, just hit keys to animate in time with the music. I think when I’ve got a bit better at all this blending… I will start a project just like it.
Well anyway, I’m off to learn Python, catch ya later!
hi f1lt3r,
Blender has been used to make some VJ apps in the past check out kyper move think thats what it was called. pildanovak did some really interesting stuff also. ive been working on an app for about 6 months on and off, its still fairly basic but check out some pics and video at http://glitchcord.zapto.org theres some shameless self promotion there.
your blends really impressive whats going on there, textured spheres rotating??
Hey glitchcord, are you planning on releasing any of it?
This looks very impressive.
Trade secret mate . Hehe.
Nah, basically I marked three seems on a UV sphere, saved the UV layout to Targa and bought it back in as the texture. Then I made the faces of the mesh addative so you can see through them, and changed the colours of the sphere’s vertexs respectfully.
I also changed the lens of the camera so it’s really wide, that way the textures are layed exponetial acorss the view port.
Cheers Filter, i havent played about with textures much but this is giving me some inspiration!
vliegtuig, i wasnt sure if there would be much interest in the app, but yeh i think i will release once ive played out with it a few more times and finished making version 2 which will be lot more modular and controller via a max/msp control surface…
till then
filter, if you’re into it, you can try to run my old code - i made an app where you could use midi to control animations, load scenes from external files, layer up to 3 scenes and type in texts.
here is the file with some sample scenes. But, sorry, I currently don’t have time to cooperate, but you can ask questions. You can also use my files to make the video, but then, please mention me if you publish it somewhere.
That’s great! I’m downloading it now. I will keep you informed.
WOW, is it to much to say that the quest project is better?? Just looking at those image movies is something… I hope that the GE team can get the GLSL to render out all of that kind of data and shader tech…
Hy folks,
If you are interested in blender as a VJ tool join us on:
cu there
I just added the following post at Blender.org forums and thought it may be worth posting it here for anyone who’s been following this thread.
I’m very excited to see this Thread as I’ve been trying to get various VJing programs working for at least a week! Let me introduce myself…
My name is Alistair MacDonald (aka Doctor Filter) and I’ve been working in video and music studios for about 5 years at the professional level. I’ve been in tons of bands and music groups and have many friends who are professional DJs working the London club scene and getting offered work DJing abroad at small festivals of 10,000 plus (which hire VJs). I also am good friends with a festival organiser who lives down the street from myself who also hires VJs for his festivals. That is my background.
I started using the Game-Engine of blender about a week ago; and it was not long before I discovered the possibility of complex real-time graphics and scene overlays. If you would like to get an idea of what I have already achieved, please download the small m-peg examples from my website. (I’ve put some pictures here to show you what you will be downloading.
I’ve also added these links to the Elysiun forums to generate some interest, hopefully if we get enough people excited, we can really get this project moving forward; and hopefully get MIDI support implemented to the next version of Blender! I think it’s very important for Blender 3D that this happens, the thought of being able to position and rotate my objects in 3D space with the control knobs on my M-Audio O2 keyboard is nothing short of amazing.
Imagine having the midi set-up in a Blender-Tab / Buttons-Window and being able to assign different commands to different MIDI inputs and values. I’m sure you will agree, this functionality would make the use of Blender EXTREMELY dynamic. This would provide Blender with a “Stage Presence”, and as people became aware of what could be done in real-time, I’m certain the user-base would grow rapidly!!!
I have been trying to get different versions of VJing .blends to work for a week. I’ve tried many different versions of Blender, Python and Midipy; which has left me very confused as to why nothing is happening on my screen. If someone could explain to me which versions of which systems I need, I would be able to join you on this exciting project and contribute 20+ hours a week to making this happen. And once we have something cool to show the hard-core of Blender developers, they will snap up MIDI implementation like a thirsty man discovering water.
Let us all work to the same standards:
1. Blender Version
2. Python Version
3. Midipy Version
4. Installation instructions
Looking forward to getting some feedback from you guys,
Happy blending!
PS: I’m thinking about setting up some webspace for this with a user-limited Wiki ect if you guys are interested.
Hi Filter,
Its really good to see someone getting into this especially with so much energy and drive, the clips are really impressive especially as you’ve only been using blender for a week. Id love to help out with the project, my stuff is more object based where it seems like you’ve been playing with textures I’m sure they could be combined together well! Im an artist as opposed to a programmer so my skills aren’t too great but im slowly learning. I don’t think I could give anywhere near 20 hours a week but I can help out where I can!
Ok so about your questions:
Midi is really easy to implement in python so im not sure if its needed in the logic bricks [ I assume that’s what you mean ] but I guess it could be helpful for people new to the engine.
Ive had midi working in 2.37 and 2.41/2.42prerelease. I think you should aim to use 2.41/2.42 cos of the sexy shaders being implemented although I think it might be a bit slower displaying lots of objects.
Which python version is dependant on the Blender version, 2.3 for 2.37 and 2.4 for 2.41. you have to make sure you set your pythonpath, just do a search for that its well documented.
I got midi.py from a link on the BlenderVJ thread at the blender.org forums, sorry I cant be more helpful than that I could email it to you if you want it though. Once you have it just drop it into the blender directory the one with the exe in and also the python folder with all the other .py files.
I nicked pildanovaks midi implementation from his BlenderVJ it looks like youre itching to get started so ill try and dig it out for you.
Im not on my computer at the moment but ill post again as soon as I am.
ok heres the code from pildanovak’s BlenderVJ
i dont know how much you know about python so sorry if im making it too simple.
put this script in an object with a int property called start. call the script init.py connect it to an always sensor.
import GameLogic
cont = g.getCurrentController()
if own.start==1:
import midipy
from GameKeys import *
####INIT MIDI####
numOfDev = midipy.getNumMidiInDevices()
if numOfDev<1:
print 'no midi device installed'
m_dev = midipy.getMidiInDevice()
print m_dev
midipy.startInDevice() # starts device 0 in the device chain that got
put this into another script called midi.py in the same object conncet it to an always sensor
import GameLogic
import midipy
print msg
now when you turn a midi controller some numbers should get print out into the console. Hurray!! I spent ages just tyrning controllers and watching the numbers it made me very happy, but maybe thats just me.
now to do stuff with the numbers:
put this in the same script as the above, have an int property called speed
if msg <>-1:
if msg[0]==1:
if msg[2]==0:
own.speed = msg[3]
now when you move cc0, speed should equal cc0’s value, play around with if statements in relation to what gets printed in the console, its pretty easy to figure out. I think msg[1]==176 is for cc numbers ==144 for note on / offs
I also live in London so maybe we should meet up anyway
Good Luck!
Glitchcord; are you ever on irc.freenode.net/#Gameblender?
Thanks so much. I am as new to python as to the GE, so your help is much appreciated. I’m no baby when it comes to coding though, so it wont be long before I’ve got everything bouncing along nicely.
I do aim to use 2.41. I’m not having too much luck right now unfortunatly, but I’m sure I will get there. I think that midipy has only been compiled for Python 2.3, so I may be FORCED to start there.
I found a module that runs on Python 2.4 with no problems, however, getting it to run from Blender 3D is just not happening.
But… I’m not giving up. So thanks for the help and hopefuly my next post will be an excited one!
Until then… check out the DEV site I have started:
Update: I’ve emailed the creator of midipy and am currently waiting for a reply regarding a Python 2.4 version. Meeting up sounds cool. Where in London are you?
OK I GOT IT WORKING and bouncing along nicely.
If you have midipy working on your system… check this baby out!
http://www.somethingfruitful.com/imers3d/iMERS3D - Proto 01.blend
http://www.somethingfruitful.com/imers3d/iMERS3D - Proto 01.blend
hi filter cant seem to get it working, could you repost the file i just an incomplete file error in blender- cheers
Hello there!
Well I’ve zipped it all up. So hopefully that will get the problem solved. Please bear in mind that I am using the following versions numbers:
Blender 2.37
Python 2.3
Midipy 2.0