tris count tool? [solved]

Working on a mod for Doom3, I se the vert and face count, but i can’t find a way to find out how many tris’ the model has. :?

Well, if your model is in quads, just double the number of faces. If your model is in tris, then you already know the number of faces… :smiley:

To answer the question directly, I’m not aware of being able to display the number of tris in a model made of quads.

Also, If you still have a model with triangles and quads, use CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+3 to select Triangles and CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+4 to select Quads.

cool, thanks, I was trying to think of someway to get it from the number of faces but had mixed tri’s and quads, ctrl shift 3 is flawless :slight_smile: