I built a rig following CGGeek’s tutorial, and it works great except for the leg bone. When I try to lift the leg and point the toes I end up with some really wonky results.
Ive tried fiddling with placement of the Knee point bone, as well as the angle of the knee joint etc. Not sure what the problem is. Also, I am quite new to rigging and animation.
I’ve included the blend file so you can look at it, if any one can find a solution, I’d be really thankful
There is however, bad bone placement. You have to be careful not to screw with the (in ur case) ZY plane and that only X have an angle for best results. Your pole target was a bit off target, now the knee points exactly to the IK pole. I made a little tool and left in your scene that helps you to keep the ZY Plane aligned, you can use it for the arms as well. And i also added a LegSocket by copying the thigh bone and scale it down and parent the thigh bone to it. Base Character Rigged - Fixing Knees2.blend (2.7 MB)