Trouble making an object hang from a chain


Right now I’m modeling a cabin and I want to have few chains hanging from the roof. Couple of the chains have a board which they carry. I’d like to create physics effect on these to create more natural look.

The problem is, when I use the active and passive rigid body controls, the chains just pop apart from each other and the start of the chain which is attached to the roof. I’m not familiar with Blender’s animation tools yet and I couldn’t find a good tutorial for the subject (aside from this one, which I did follow and tried to improvise:

Here’s the link for the .blend-file:

It has two of the chains being “Active” rigid body, the board is active too and the start of the chains are passive. What I am missing here?

Thank you in advance!

The first thing I always do on any RB problems is make sure you have applied scale (ctrl A) for each object, and also do a (shift ctl alt C) origin to geometry for each object. Then try rerunning the simulation.

Alright, I shall try that. Thank you for a swift reply!

// Sadly, that didn’t help. :frowning: They still fall on the ground and won’t hold together.

I don’t know if this helps, but I always do my chains with an Array Modifier and a Curve Modifier:

Blend file:

Cabin_RigidBody-clock.blend (3.03 MB)

I then use Hook modifiers on the curve, targeted to bones and assigned to the curve’s vertices, as appropriate - you can then move and/or rotate the bones to get the chain swaying in the breeze, so to speak, you could always set up some Physics to move the bones??? (I have never tried this).

So I have added a simple setup on a new layer for you to play with. To relax the chain, move the bottom bone up a little then move the mid bone out a little…

Cheers, Clock.:slight_smile:

Your issue is probably that by default the shape that’s used to simulate rigid body physics is the convex hull of the mesh, which is incapable of having holes. what you want to do is either select all the links in the chain in object mode and press the ‘change shape’ button in the tools panel, or go to the physics settings and change it there. Both are shown in the attached screenshot.

Thank you both for your tips! I’ll try these out today when I get to work.

EDIT: Sadly, that didn’t solve the whole problem. It did work better when I changed Sensitivity and Surface response but in the end they still broke apart. I also tried just to make the chain fall from the air but they burst free during the fall. Might be that I need to edit the mesh itself.

Clock’s tip works wonderfully now that I understood how it’s done. Big thanks to you!

Here’s some more examples of the processes in action:

And the blend file:

chain-track.blend (896 KB)

Just press Play to see it all working - the “magic” is on level 11. :smiley:

Cheers, Clock.


In my previous file and my latest, you can just move the curve AND the chain in Z and the chain will fall, or move the “root” bone as appropriate.