Trouble running a python script in blender, Help.

This code is demonstrating openGL functionality in python scripting from the blender text editor. I press alt+P and nothing shows up. What is wrong?

import Blender
 from Blender.BGL import *
 from Blender import Draw
 R = G = B = 0
 A = 1
 title = "Testing BGL  + Draw"
 instructions = "Use mouse buttons or wheel to change the background color."
 quitting = " Press ESC or q to quit."
 len1 = Draw.GetStringWidth(title)
 len2 = Draw.GetStringWidth(instructions + quitting)
 def show_win():
   glClearColor(R,G,B,A)                # define color used to clear buffers 
   glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)         # use it to clear the color buffer
   glColor3f(0.35,0.18,0.92)            # define default color
   glBegin(GL_POLYGON)                  # begin a vertex data list
   glVertex2i(165, 158)
   glVertex2i(252, 55)
   glVertex2i(104, 128)
   glColor3f(0.4,0.4,0.4)               # change default color
   glRecti(40, 96, 60+len1, 113)
   glRasterPos2i(50,100)                # move cursor to x = 50, y = 100
   Draw.Text(title)                     # draw this text there
   glRasterPos2i(350,40)                # move cursor again
   Draw.Text(instructions + quitting)   # draw another msg
   glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP)                # begin a vertex-data list
   glEnd()                              # close this list
 def ev(evt, val):                      # event callback for Draw.Register()
   global R,G,B,A                       # ... it handles input events
   if evt == Draw.ESCKEY or evt == Draw.QKEY:
     Draw.Exit()                        # this quits the script
   elif not val: return
   elif evt == Draw.LEFTMOUSE: R = 1 - R
   elif evt == Draw.MIDDLEMOUSE: G = 1 - G
   elif evt == Draw.RIGHTMOUSE: B = 1 - B
   elif evt == Draw.WHEELUPMOUSE:
     R += 0.1
     if R > 1: R = 1
   elif evt == Draw.WHEELDOWNMOUSE:
     R -= 0.1
     if R < 0: R = 0
     return                             # don't redraw if nothing changed
   Draw.Redraw(1)                       # make changes visible.
 Draw.Register(show_win, ev, None)      # start the main loop

Nevermind, I think I had some indentation error, but it works now.